if masons are so evil then why do you obcess on them? that doesn't help you when you explain these thing in your verbose entreats that are so obvious biased against your own particular circumstance.
the problem with 'secret' societies is that no one is ever really sure what it really is, or if it's even anything. For me Free Masonry was like an old building with a door that leads to a crypt. I was like 'Oh, I know of such places in dreams, and such, a system of tunnels, and there is the secret door to the forbidden crypt that probably got bodies in-dare and it's spooky and scarey and I'm sure that if it seems to be . . . drum roll, it goes dark, an old man is seen wondering the thickets near the swamp reciting old Italian poetry about being lost in a forest . . .
is that Masonic?
the problem is that your obvious anger seems to be a kind of hateful shilling.
now while free masons are easy to diss if you ddin't ever know anything about it, and come from a position of ignorance. And even easier to dis if you got into a bad crowd of compromised people who were nasty bitches to you . . .
here is the deal with that crowd: It's a different deal at each lodge, they are all independant.
that's as much as I know that I would share and as I'm not mobbed in it, I won't be a good source for it and when I did have a book that was really really old looking, that supposedly was about them and written by them, it was in the plastic and I looked at it and said 'hum, like it's sealled up with bad in side'
and I said 'fuck this, I'm not daring to look, I'm not suppose to know this shit anyway. If I were a prick I fake an old book and do to it what is in the plot of Umberto Eccos book about a monistery and if you dared to violate their secrets it would infect you . . .
now I know that's a para noid thought.
so I took the book and found a place to hide it where hopefully no one will ever find it, never having looked inside of it at all, or breached the plastic seal. And I don't even remember where it is anymore.