I was wondering what Biden was talking about when he slipped about 'The 17th'
Nothing can stop what's coming
90+% of 'Masons' don't even know what the fuck is going on.
You have no situational awareness because you haven't been in that situation.
Do these dopes look like they are 'ruling the world'?
'Freemasons' only go to '3 Degree'.
Higher degrees are Scottich or York rite
Scottich or York rite are the real 'assholes' dedicated cult members with all the 'badges on the backs of their cars so cops don't pull them over, which were added much much later in the Freemason history.
You are indoctrinated.
Any intelligent life that has advanced past ours has mastered time-space and would by virtue be Extra-Dimensional not Extra-terrestrial.
They would have no need to communicate with us except to toy or for nefarious purposes.
Mastery of time-space they would understand the nature of our 'reality' and likely possess the ability to create and destroy temporal space-time.
Educate yourself and stop watching sci-fi.
Why do ministers need state approval to officiate funerals and weddings?
Why do IRS 'approved churches' receive 501c3 tax exempt status from the federal government?
If a religion has to receive 'approval' to pray over a funeral, wedding and sign a marriage certificate (state document) then I submit there is no separation of 'church' and state and only an illusion of separation.
Faith should be personal and private so the documents can be devoid of mentions of religion but no one can deny that many of the people that founded these United States were devout.