Riding the Thunderbolt – Time Travel.
It was the most dangerous, and most addictive of career paths anyone could take. They would place us in an insulated container and crank the electromagnetic fields up until we were vaporized into pure electromagnetic wave and the shoot that energy to a set time and space that had to be a small well insulated area. The thunderbolt is how you arrived as the electromagnetic wave became you again at the other side in an electric light show and the most intense full body orgasm anyone could ever feel. Currently, it always amuses me now to use time based phrases, the highest number of jumps before total madness is ten; I have done four.
I came late to the program, but from what I understand it is about filling your body with as much capacitance and inductance it can take before it goes poof into just a wave form. I have heard they knew immediately if they got it wrong because there was just a red goo if they did.