Why Did the U.S. Government Purchase 30,000 Guillotines?
"A controversial federal judge thinks firing squads and guillotines should come back in style as the debate over executions in Arkansas rages on. Ninth Circuit Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski, in an interview with CBS News’ “60 Minutes” set to air Sunday, said conducting lethal injections is a sham that masks that fact that people are getting killed. …When interviewer Lesley Stahl mentions that Kozinski favors death by firing squad, the longtime justice quips: “Never fails.” Then she brings up his support of the guillotine — a late-18th century device that chops off the head. “Well, you know, it’s 100% effective,” Kozinski said of the device made famous for beheading aristocrats during the French Revolution. “And it leaves no doubt that what we are doing is a violent thing. If we as a society are willing to take away human life, we should be willing to watch it."
Guillotine used in Senate Campaign for 2020