Senior British Army officers are set to introduce a Diversity and
Inclusion Directorate to enforce politically correct standards in the
forces and will hire a team of equality specialists to carry out the
woke initiative."
A few questions:
First, did the senior officers 'introduce" these plans on their own initiative, or did some higher-up at the MOD direct them to?
Second, who in the UK civil service actually wrote the plans, and on whose direction? And when? Is this the dead hand of a former government?
Third, what contractor will provide the "equality specialists"? What would be their required credentials? What are the credentials and background of the contracting company? Who are its directors and senior staff?
Fourth, who will staff the Diversity and Inclusion Directorate, and who in the Army staff and MOD will oversee its operations, and set and if necessary adjust policy?
Fifth, how will the new directorate be held accountable for results, and how will bureaucratic "creep" be prevented, to ensure that it stays within the guidelines of its mission?
Finally, what plans are there for transparency and annual/semi-annual reporting to Parliament and the British public?