Liylith lahey star, baped by trains of 50
rage, guy goes down, next in line th 1st
soldier rises again, vidro, on tube torn
many seperate times to teach her a
lesson she still doesn't understand,
LA, towers of skyscrapers ready for tang,
th juice is near ready to be licked, karma
seed to a flower time to build a house
of judgement day,
bapists never go to jail cuz judges divide
th root on teasers,
th eye has banged both men & women
involved by social to those who banged
my mom's sponge disease pussy,
hell reign,
th woman of th eye has brain damage from
possibly inbreeding & th environment she is
in, th reason she still can't understand what
is going on,
possibly bad eye sight, very unhealthy that
her brain damage, she lie non stop, & can't
even understand Donald's conversations in
th oval office her brain damage is so bad,
her brain damage may be from all
th gold in her home,
silver tarnishes cuz it is anti-microbial,
gold no tarnish so may be bacterial
petri dish culturing bacteria & virus even
more, th acdc in gold conduction, like
my mug sit on bass speaker,we are
one, old old idea of mine, maybe 2011,