you mean war-room anon. Here they go again with the n word crapโฆ
but you stand for saying the n word? lol
AFLB's dox from last thread. Salty namefag is salty. Stop saying the n word and endchan when speaking of warroom autist.
why are you screaming the n word like a jackass? That doesn't answer the question.
>its ok to gaslight people by saying negroid blm nigger etc ad nausium and hide behind freemasonry to do so.
Then why pray tell do the SHILLS DO IT CONSTANTLY?
why did you call warroom autist endchanigger? This got to the point night shift is basically gaslight city. I know what your doing and im rubbing your nose in it.
i dont support any of those things. not an answer.
what where the bakers renamed the thread QRG because they are catfagging?
not an answer jit.
>le funni
why did you first call him endchan anon? denegrating the entire bunker? then to adding the n word. Because there is the warroom anon who held down /qanonresearch/. Why are you trying to blame warroom's shit on endchan and then tagging nigger on top of it? Because you have ulterior motives. As you always have had.
fuck you fake ass retard. i come here to dig and have to take shit from the shills. Who mysteriously are not doing the usual black monkey shilling. Then i gotta get shit from the supposed regulars. Im all for hazing. But misinfo like saying im war room anon. or like when people reply to the maga riots shill with the n word. Its all a big masonic bullshit tactic.
so its this unspoken of thing. well if that is the case how do you do my negro this is organic. oh wait its GASLIGHTING
just notice it. the amount of times they specifically use black people in posts or any variation of that. coon nigger etc.
I have over 10 thousand examples of digging bitch
your causing shit saying endchannigger after you took the leap and called wr anon endchan anon. another jab.
every day this is done. only now are they not doing the usual black memes because i said something.
link timed out. Ive been an ass this thread so im hesitant to openly say it but here are some other links
i am not the "rainman" shill either that bad mouths the baker. see that was another example of this crap.