Anonymous ID: 60d8d1 Sept. 8, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.10570505   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly, and as I mentioned a bread or two ago, please don't call Q "Boss" because we have no leader or anyone telling us what to do or think. Don't "wait" for Q to do something. Rely on your own sense of right and wrong and carry on!

Anonymous ID: 60d8d1 Sept. 8, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.10570699   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why is ANTIFA violent if they are against fascism? This is what they are about and believe:


People have surely been drawn to fascism in the past because the unity it promises seems to promote peace, at least in terms of class conflict. But, on the other, it seems like a belief system that innately emphasizes violence and violent solutions, especially war.


Anti-fascists are illiberal. They don't see fascism or white supremacy as a view with which they disagree as a difference of opinion. They view organizing against them as a political struggle where the goal is not to establish a regime of rights that allow neo-Nazis and victims to coexist and exchange discourse, but rather the goal is to end their politics.


Antifa are revolutionaries and they are almost always anti-police. But as anti-capitalist with a sort of police-abolitionist lens, they view the police as problems, as defenders of the capitalist order, and also all too often as sympathizers with the far right.


Property destruction is certainly part of the repertoire of what some of these groups will do to achieve their goals. Some say it’s violence, some say it’s not because it’s not against human beings, that’s a matter of opinion.

Anonymous ID: 60d8d1 Sept. 8, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.10571007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Probably already posted from yesterday but ICYMI, here is a detailed timeline of the relationship:


THICK AS THIEVES: The Clinton and Epstein Association Timeline/1993-2013