Anonymous ID: da6441 Sept. 8, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.10570277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0618 >>0939

Needs more digging


Sheriff Richard Mack CSPOA


Statement of Positions


The following are the positions of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), on important issues of the day.


The County Sheriff


America needs to make a strong turn around to get back on the freedom track laid for us by our Founders. We believe it can’t be done from the top down, due to many factors, not the least of which is corruption and entrenched bureaucracies in high places. We must, and we can, accomplish this turn- around starting locally at the county level, and lower. The office of county sheriff is the last hope of making this happen, and we are witnessing great deeds of protection, service, and interposition across America by courageous sheriffs who only want to serve the people who elected them.




America has always welcomed immigrants to our shores. When we were truly a “melting pot”, our culture and prosperity was strengthened because of immigration. Today things are much different. We are a nation of laws, and our immigration laws are not being enforced. Further, immigrants are not assimilating into our culture as they once did. This results in devastating consequences culturally and economically. The vast majority of immigrants today come here illegally, many committing crimes as they do. Administration policies actually encourage people to come here illegally, and the flood of children and thousands of others, including entire villages, that overwhelm our Border Patrol are causing a crisis that cannot be understated. These are the things that we must do immediately:


Station National Guard and regular military troops on our southern border immediately to close off the flood. We should defend our own borders before we defend the borders of dozens of foreign countries as we are now doing. Armed drones on the border should be deployed using those we bring home from the Middle East.

Summarily deport all illegal aliens as they manage to get across our border. The only exceptions would be individually considered and approved requests for asylum. Deport all illegal aliens caught committing crimes in the US. No exceptions.

Enforce laws against hiring of illegal aliens.

State governments have a duty and full authority to protect their own boundaries and to do whatever they deem necessary to make up for lax or non-existent federal enforcement.

After the border is secured, not before, legislation should be considered that will improve and streamline our immigration process and place reasonable limits on the numbers coming in.

County Sheriffs must use their authority to protect their citizens from abuse and violation of their rights by the invasion of illegal aliens.

Anonymous ID: da6441 Sept. 8, 2020, 3:43 p.m. No.10570302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0618 >>0939

Man Sentenced For Possessing Tens Of Thousands Of Images And Videos Of ‘Violent’ Child Pornography


DENVER – United States Attorney Jason R. Dunn announced that Wesley David Gilreath, age 30, of Boulder, was sentenced today to serve 186 months in federal prison (15.5 years) followed by 10 years on supervised release for possession of child pornography. Gilreath was remanded at the conclusion of the sentencing hearing.


According to the stipulated facts contained in his plea agreement, the FBI searched Gilreath’s phone pursuant to a federal search warrant after it was found on a bus. The contents of Gilreath’s phone included approximately 12,000 images and 200 videos depicting child pornography. Gilreath also used the phone to seek out child pornography.


CBS Denver reported: Regional Transportation District employees found a cell phone while they were cleaning buses at RTD’s Boulder terminal on May 31, 2019. In an attempt to discover the phone’s owner, the employees found the device was unlocked and immediately encountered images of child pornography. One of the employees was a former employee of Child Protective Services.


On July 31, 2019, the defendant was arrested pursuant to a federal warrant. During a subsequent search of his residence, FBI agents seized a thumb drive with approximately 22,000 images and 2,400 videos depicting child pornography. Agents also seized a second phone with approximately 4,750 images and 1,400 videos depicting child pornography. The child pornography on the thumb drive and both of the defendant’s phones included images and videos depicting the sexual abuse and torture of toddlers and infants. In addition, Gilreath used various social media, including three Twitter accounts and one Gab account, to knowingly receive, transport and distribute child pornography.


During the sentencing hearing, evidence was presented to the court that Gilreath had posted “hunting guides” online targeting Jews, Muslims, and other groups. During the search of the defendant’s residence, agents found: a full-size Nazi flag, two full-size black and white flags bearing symbols associated with white supremacy; a book titled “National Anarchism”; a book titled “American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing”; a book titled “In Bad Company: America’s Terrorist Underground”; and a tee-shirt bearing Timothy McVeigh’s face, among other items. Agents also found hand-written notes bearing the names and addresses of 15 Mosques, Synagogues, religious centers and other locations, all less than 35 miles from the defendant’s apartment.


Additionally, the investigation revealed that in May 2019, Gilreath attempted to purchase a firearm, but that purchase was denied following a query of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).


“While one image of child pornography is horrific, tens of thousands of images and videos in the possession of one person is almost incomprehensible in its depravity and wickedness. While we can never return the lost innocence that this defendant has stolen, this sentence ensures that he can no longer contribute to the market for these images,” said U.S. Attorney Jason Dunn. “Mr. Gilreath was also a credible threat to various religious communities in Colorado. They can now rest assured that that threat has been stopped for at least a very long time.”


“The FBI will continue to do everything in its power to stop children from being exploited and bring justice to those responsible,” said FBI Denver Special Agent in Charge Michael Schneider. “This case is a great example of the work that can be done when state and federal partners collaborate to hold those accountable for their actions. We appreciate the dedication of the Boulder Police Department, RTD, and United States Attorney’s Office in this investigation.”


This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Julia Martinez.


The sentence was pronounced by U.S. District Court Judge Raymond P. Moore. This case was investigated by the FBI with support from the Boulder Police Department, RTD, and the Rocky Mountain Regional Computer Forensic Lab.

Anonymous ID: da6441 Sept. 8, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.10570438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526 >>0618 >>0740 >>0789 >>0853 >>0939

Army chief responds to Trump criticism: War recommendation is ‘last resort’


'Many of these leaders have sons and daughters who have gone to combat,' Gen. James McConville says


Army chief of staff Gen. James McConville reacted to President Trump after Trump accused Pentagon leaders of opposing him because they want to wage war to support arms companies that develop weapons.


During an interview for Defense One's "State of the Army" event, McConville rejected this idea, stating that military leaders often have children in combat positions.


"I'm talking about general, I'm talking admirals, I'm talking sergeant majors, many of these leaders have sons and daughters that serve in the military, many of these leaders have sons and daughters who have gone to combat or may be in combat right now," McConville said.


"So, I can assure the American people that the senior leaders would only recommend sending our troops to combat when it is required in national security and in the last resort," he continued. "We take this very, very seriously in how we make our recommendations."


Trump's remarks came Monday during a White House news conference.


"I'm not saying the military's in love with me," Trump said. "The soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs & make the planes & make everything else stay happy."

Anonymous ID: da6441 Sept. 8, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.10570461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Syria On September 8, 2020 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the rencet developments in Syria:


Turkish army and militants artillery shelled SDF positions in the villages of Meranaz and Malikiyah;

SAA artillery shelled the Turkish-backed militants’ positions in the villages of Kansafra and Deir Sonbol;

Pro-government forces allegedly targeted Conoko gas facility with several mortar rounds;

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Damascus for the first time since 2012.

Anonymous ID: da6441 Sept. 8, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.10570476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Resistance To Occupation? US- And Turkish-Backed Forces Suffer Casualties In Northeastern Syria


Several members of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces and Turkish-backed militant groups were killed or injured in a series of attacks by unknown gunment in the Syrian provinces of Homs and Raqqa.


According to Syrian state media, gunmen riding a motorcycle shelled a position of Turkish-backed forces in the vicinity of al-Zibakiya village in the northern part of Raqqa province. At least one Turkish-backed militant was reportedly killed.


In a separate development at least one SDF member was killed by unknown persons near the farms’ roundabout in Raqqa city, and another one was injured in an attack on the road between Darnaj and al-Tayyana towns in eastern Deir Ezzor.


Pro-SDF sources often blame attacks on their forces in northeastern Syria on ISIS and Turkish proxies, while Turkey prefers to blame the SDF, the Kuridsh People’s Protection Units (YPG; the main group in the SDF) and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK; linked with the YPG).


On the other hand, the attention of Syrian state media to these attacks may indicate that Damascus would like to paint them as a kind of local resistance to the occupation forces.

Anonymous ID: da6441 Sept. 8, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.10570503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0817

AstraZeneca pauses vaccine trial after suspected adverse event


Drugmaker puts study of Covid-19 jab on hold to allow it to ‘review safety data’


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AstraZeneca has paused all clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccine it is developing with Oxford university after a participant in the UK arm of the study suffered a suspected serious adverse reaction.


The UK-based drugmaker voluntarily put the trial on hold after the discovery of the sick participant. AstraZeneca said that it was working to review the event to ensure it would not result in a significant delay to the study.


AstraZeneca had been on track to become one of the first drugmakers to deliver results from a large trial of a Covid-19 vaccine in a race where many pharmaceutical companies are moving at breakneck speed. The White House has considered fast-tracking the company’s inoculation ahead of the US presidential election, according to people familiar with the matter.


“As part of the ongoing randomised, controlled global trials of the Oxford coronavirus vaccine, our standard review process triggered a pause to vaccination to allow review of safety data,” a spokesman said.


“This is a routine action which has to happen whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it is investigated, ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials,” he added. “In large trials, illnesses will happen by chance but must be independently reviewed to check this carefully.”


Shares of the UK-based pharmaceutical company dropped more than 6 per cent in after-hours trading in New York after trade publication STAT first reported that the trial had to be stopped.


It is not unusual for clinical trials to be paused. But in the most scrutinised vaccine development process ever, any sign of potentially negative side-effects could be seen as scuppering hopes for rapid relief from the pandemic.


Even if AstraZeneca’s vaccine is eventually approved, concerns about side-effects may still deter people from getting vaccinated.