>>>10569192 lb
>Bring it to a pharmacy to dispose of.
exbigpharmafag says… keep it, anon. it's still good. forever. the expiration date is just to make you spend money for nothing.
>>>10569192 lb
>Bring it to a pharmacy to dispose of.
exbigpharmafag says… keep it, anon. it's still good. forever. the expiration date is just to make you spend money for nothing.
even today, not all of hollywood is pervs. back then, it was even less pervs. creepy only if a known sicko is a guest.
>I'm expecting that Trump will force the move off of those two negative, destructive systems and onto zero point anti gravity tech.
i see someone got his bong working. (not the tech, just that DJT will do what you say).
dear cankles,
i'm sorry. i'm sorry you were ever born. i'm sorry you latched onto the coattails of the biggest kick buffoon to ever
be elected president. i'm sorry no one has had the nads to arkancide you. i'm sorry that a delusional psychotic
megalomaniacal pedophile cannibal like you is still sharing air with decent humans. i'm sorry i don't know were you are
right at this very minute, or i would be within 2000 yards before you could say Barrett, an i would arrange a personal
meeting for you with the object of your worship. i apologize profusely for ever speaking your name. the sooner the
memory of you is purged from the collective consciousness and from history, and IT WILL BE, the better.
>Videos of their activities are being used to identify them, and build cases.
hoover dam was built in less time. not to mention they are still committing crime after crime as we wait.
justice delayed is justice denied.
not up on your genetics, anon. WE (caucasians) are the descendants of the neanderthals.
jews are sand-niggers. it's why they fear and loathe the white race. they know they're inferior.
not a white supremacist, just sayin'…
>This is the biggest criminal organization in history, and is international
i'm not talking about the puppet masters. i'm talking about the thugs on the street. when do we arrest THEM and get THEM to sing?
well, YOSELF, i'd be happy to educate you. do you have a decade to spare? 'cause i get the impression that a fortnight or two will not be sufficient time.
sorry, i don't read watered down science for dummies books intended for the lay audience. i read the articles in peer review journals. the evidence is overwhelming and unambiguous (even tho the authors reached the absolute wrong conclusions), the facts speak for themselves.