Anonymous ID: 496df8 April 15, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.1057581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7614

Q, while you are here, I'm going to repost this one more time. You have a bad apple at the DOD. She may be an unwitting accomplice or (them). We've got your back as much as you have ours.


Q team. I found a bad apple in the DOD. Her name is Ashley Pritchard (maiden name Oldham IIRC).


I'm the Anon that posted >>1043949 (You)


I was doing my daily FB redpill posting, when I ran across a post of her's spreading disinfo about Syria. I engaged her with the facts (reference my post above plus some additional stuff only someone in the government would understand), and she blocked me.


I don't know if she is an unwitting accomplish or (them), but be aware. She used to work for DHS and recently was promoted to working at the DOD. I went to the best private school in the state where all the rich and well connected families send their kids. 100% sure there are cabal families that sent their kids there. Not sure if she is one of them. Doing my best to help. Prayers.