"Dreamstime" is the name of the company. Not very specific.
The specific images are being chosen by DuckDuckGo.
"Dreamstime" is the name of the company. Not very specific.
The specific images are being chosen by DuckDuckGo.
Oh, it's you. I should'a know,
>speaking of dreamstime, you also might wanna investigate 123rf, shutterstock and can stockphoto cause the same pics are on those sites as well
Yeah, but do they use for their logo a shape that every small child from the last 10,000 years has independently reinvented while drawing in whatever medium?
>this is NOT transparent aluminum, any more that glass is transparent silicon. it's a CERAMIC made with aluminum oxide.
Yup. Clear synthetic sapphire has been around for a while:
He's an Electric Universe troll. And he's laughing at you.
>Dr Phil is sooooo full of shit
He's bring her on as an example of all Truthers to make us all sound like lunatics.