Did you forget how to read the rest of the post where I explicitly explain the failures behind the "dirty snowball" theory? You do know what the difference between "theory" and "fact" is, right? Or do I have to explain that for you so you can ignore it and try to sound smart quoting comped google searches?
Wrong video, but plenty enough to show why one should be skeptical of "official theories"
Fuck you, dude.
You're the one spewing technobabble.
As I stated before, both comets and asteroids are rocky bodies. Not a conspiracy theory. You're thinking of dirty snowball theory. Which has not been proven. In fact, quite the opposite. Dirty snowball theory has been technically disproven by the multiple discoveries, as in new information moar in line with fact not hypothetical theoreticals, that continue to "baffle" the "scientists" who are supposed to be the "experts". This is why I originally explained how the flaw exists in the fundamentals, which are based on assumptions to differentiate between one type of supposed space debris and what we are being told is another. But in reality, there is very little to distinguish between one type and another if assumptions about composition are entirely false, like it appears they have been, in light of the new information constantly being revealed.
So, Mr/Ms/Mrs whatever-the-fuck-you-think-you-are-with-20+-posts-wasting-one-to-try-to-tell-me-not-to-shit-up-the-bread-as-you-make-yourself-look-moar-like-a-jack-ass (lemme guess. It's MA'AM!), I will leave you at this. If an "asteroid" "strikes our atmosphere", did you know that technically makes it a "meteor"? Now, go back and read my original post about coming up with silly names to confuse things before you try to post again to make yourself look like even moar of a dumbass
>I suspect it was Lucifer who sent the Nephalim (fallen angels) down, to destroy the genetics of mankind
You must suck at the game "Clue"
Lucifer is/was Venus. Nephilim/(fallen angels) were the planets, making much closer approaches to the Earth than anything we experience today. There is a trememdous disconnect because one ideology messed things up and started forcing people to learn literal interpretations for metaphorical allegory, while another side brainwashed literally every human alive into believing a false version of history, space, and reality as we know it. Now, we're trapped in clown world and humanity is retarded so inbred assholes can better rule over the rest of us. It's really that simple
>too bad for you spacecraft have visited comets and confirmed the dirty snowball hypothesis.
Please. Show the rest of the sane world your confirmed proof, while you try to sound like the better person after telling me to piss off while trying to act superior. All gloves come off when you resort to that level of faggotry. If you think otherwise, you're on the wrong fucking site, dipshit
Thoth was Mercury. So, that might help explain how/why Thoth could "fly"
Btw, humans were much more advanced prior to the catastrophes. We've technically still been trying to pick up the pieces ever since. But there are also those who wish to hide the truth and keep the secrets to themselves. We call them ELites. Named after the ELohim which they claimed to be literal descendants of in order to claim their "divine right" to rule over the rest of us. BTW, the Elohim were also referring to those same planets we also call the "fallen angels". So, at some point humanity needs to realize they were duped instead of continuing to garble down the bull shit. Otherwise, we'll be retarded slaves for the rest of eternity