Who hates the Jews? Muslims. Who fought for Hitler? Muslims.
Where did all the Nazis go? The CIA and China.
The millionaires become billionaires by creating charities.
Millionaires become billionaires by creating charities.
Alex jones only job was to make the Bohemian Grove look like a frat party not a child rape and death cult.
>>10575168 Los Angeles population is 12,447,000 whats your point.
Jesus the savior and creator of the universe is Jewish.
Look it up. Not on the internet in old books.
His mother was Jewish that makes him Jewish.
w/e are you done?
Is that some satanic spell?
Numbers scare the ignorant.
Jesus destroyed Satan.
dear gay boy that always comments on my posts, I filter your first posts every thread.
Half my family are gay no one gives a shit.
Gay is just one more dumb ass embarrassing sin that doesn't affect anyone but you.
The brits are the child rapers.
British woman hate British men.
British woman tell me British men have the gay gene.
Joe gets the child lover vote.
Thats almost .50% of the vote.
Joe Biden wants to have sex with your children.
Joe Biden wishes his wife was a tween.
Joe Biden hates women over 13.
Joe Biden wants to make sex with children great again!
So that makes it ok for him to have sex with children.
Joe Biden has never had sex with any of his wives because they weren't children.
Joe Biden has never had sex with any of his wives because they weren't children.
Dear Tump stop giving money to California for wild fires it starts
Dear Tump stop giving money to California for wild fires it starts
Biden has never had sex with any of his wives because they weren't children.
California burns every year and fire mens pensions soar.
Fire fighting is a scam.
They work 5 years and go on disability.
Fire fighters are crooks.
every fire fighter in California works 5 years and then collects disability.
Trump sports them.
Trump and Q have no idea how this scam works.
100% of tax dollars go to the Democrats.
Trump is hilarious but he needs to smarten up before he is put in prison.
Remember how fast Nixon folded?
This is not a game.
Don't be Biden's Bitch.
Q is clueless.
This isn't my responsibility. So long.