OMG, my fucking heads about to explode…
>The real media of transmission is gravity. As we control gravity we can also use it to transmit pulses of gravity to all directions like waves in a pond. Gravity knows no distances, it doesn't diminish over time or distance.
Are you aware that "gravity" is merely a function of the Electromagnetic Force, which is insanely moar powerful than what you think "gravity" is. Welcome to the 18th Century! Don't jump too far ahead, though. Otherwise you''ll bump into the complete retardation of classical physics.
>This is the way 5D advanced interstellar civilizations communicate with one another. Radio and microwaves are simply archaic and silly.
5D isn't real. It's a figment of what's now become the collective "imagination" of the people who were paid to retard the field of classical physics and replace it with fictional rabbit holes to occupy minds from seeing the rather obvious reality that's in front of our faces.
Radio and microwaves are both, yet again, just a fraction of the spectrum of everything that exists thanks to the great and powerful Electromagnetic Force