>>10573374 lb
I'm having a problem with the timing of your story being on or around November considering the projected catastrophe you describe.
I study Bible prophesy. In the book of Revelation, the 7th seal Trumpet judgements occur at Rev 8:1 to 8:11 describe hail, fire and celestial bodies hitting the Earth and poisoning 1/3 Earths water supplies. (Wormwood) causing millions of deaths.
The Tribulation, begins at Rev 6. When the AntiChrist will be revealed.
Ezekiel 38-39 describes when God's wrath is kindled in this last 3 1/2 years of the last 7 years of the age. (Daniel's 70th week)
We aren't there yet in God's timeline.
Jesus mentioned earthquakes and volcanoes, wars and rumors of wars, nations rising against nations in the time of sorrows we currently live in.
Why would God leave out telling us of such a devasting catastrophe your talking about?