Pennsylvania Secretary of Heath, Richard "Dickless" Levine is pushing common flu shots in the fight against the China Flu.
"Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine and two local physicians on Tuesday urged Pennsylvanians to get influenza shots this fall to reduce the chance of a double blow to the health care system.
“This year it is more important than ever to get a flu shot,” Levine said at a press briefing.
Last flu season, which ended in April, a record of almost 130,000 tested positive for influenza in the state, with 102 deaths."
(That's 0.08% mortality rate - not including the unknown number of people who get the flu and never see a doctor about it.)
"If there is less flu circulating in the community, there will be fewer visits to emergency rooms and primary practices, fewer hospital admissions and fewer ventilators needed for flu patients – leaving them available for COVID-19 patients, both local doctors noted."
Uh-huh, like the hospitals are overloaded with China Flu patients already.