>>10575022 LB
The giants were a minority, and as such, they were eliminated and the "short guys" ruled over their lands.
Simple natural selection.
Not searching that shit. I learned my lesson with "Blue waffles".
Funny how all these "giant trees" are all made of normal soil and rocks, almost like they areโฆnatural formations that just look like a tree trunk.
Time to search the word "Pareidolia".
The Nephelins all died in the great flood.
That was the whole thing. If they come back later, what was the point of the flood?
That's not a tree, genius. That's a natural formation.
Jesus! People are dumber than I thought it was possible.
You deserve everything that is coming for you.
Good luck.
Try this:
Ask if the person identify themselves as Christians;
If they answer YES, ask if they support LGBTQWXYZ people or groups;
If the answer is NO, they are indeed true Christians (or at least trying to be one);
If the answer is YES, they are not Christians (or they are being deceived).
That's fine. At least you are being honest.
I'm not saying you have to be a Christian, I'm saying if you say you are one and support stuff the Bible condemns, you are not a real Christian.
If you love Christ you love what he loves, and hate what he hates.
The Bible is very clear.
God made Man and Women and said "reproduce and become manyโฆ"
How, in the name of God a gay couple can possible fallow that command?
Later, of course, God was even more clear saying that unrepentant gay people should have stoned to death.
I don't judge or hate gay people. Just like God, I hate the sin and not the sinner.
If you consider yourself a Christian, that is. IF you do not, I have no business in your life.
Again, its not about what I think, it's what the Bible says.
You can argue that the Bible is "polluted" or whatever, and that's fine.
I'm not forcing you to be a Christian.
But if Trump, for example, say he is, and he support LGBT people, he's not a Christian.
That's my point.
>your spiritual journey is so perfect your ready to correct others now are you?
Again, putting words in my mouth. Very deceptive tactics here.
Care to clarify?
You are so used to a Godless world that my words sound like retarded. I know, I knowโฆthat is also predicted in the Bible.
I do believe the Bible is correct, but I'm not the one damning people. That's God's job.
And If i'm wrong, nothing happens, right.
But if I'm rightโฆgame over.
Empty words.
The one who makes more sense within the Bible context.
90% of the Bible is pretty simple to understand, it doesn't need any interpretation. You can easily find the base context.
The other 10% that needs interpretation will be based in the 90% already established context.
Funny thing.
This is exactly how the Bible predicted people would react to its message during our times.
Murder and homosexuality are in the same level in the Bible. If Trump supported murderers I would call him out in the same way.
>Judge not less ye be judged. More sins in the Bible than could be counted in one sitting.
Not judging anyone, just pointing out a fact.
If you are not a Christian, just say so. Don't lie saying you are one and them support something that the Bible condemn.
If if you could write in proper English, I may understand what you are trying to communicate.
What part of homosexuals should be stoned to death you don't understand?
You know the word "Sodomy" came from Sodom, right?
God condemns homosexuality, sorry.
Nothing I can do about it.
Sure, now we don't need to stone people to death anymore.
But the law is the same, the only difference is that now God is the one who is going to make the unrepentant pay the ultimate price.
Sure. And what about the part where they tell Lot to bring the Angels to outside so they could sodomize them? Just a small detail, right?
I believe you got the wrong ID, anon.
>Noโฆ have read your posts and [dis]agree with your position.
Huh? I don't think you understand English, then.