>trip sniper misses by 1 digit
probably forgot to account for the spin of the earth
>trip sniper misses by 1 digit
probably forgot to account for the spin of the earth
>>10575607 (PB)
I shit you not
I get a wierd sense of dread seeing these old timey images of giants
like a visceral part of me knows how physically dominated I would feel in their presence
did us littlefolk (we are the hobbits, rofl) kill the fuck out of the giants out of fear?
petrification is a seriously interesting subject to dig on
I am currently convinced of the argument that there were literal giant humans, and giant plants and beasts of all kinds, and that much of the ultra-sacred/reveared srcheologicaly/ geological sites are the petrified (limestone mostly) remains of these beings.
yeah taht is basically what I figured
interesting this image includes disembowelment
that visceral feeling of dread I was talking about
it was accompanied by a strong urge to literally disembowel the giant I was looking at
like, I had a clear mental image of me putting a dagger in its belly, cutting from one side to the other, and being sure the insides came out
anon is NOT a violent person and that is an oddly specific mental image
interdasting time anons
interdasting times
>Don't forget the giant trees.
devils postpile national monument
anon sees this is the base of a GIANT tree
the verticle "piles" are the capilaries of the tree cambia
ultrasound scans of the interior of these piles reveal they contain all of the biological parts of tree cell anatomy, petrified into limestone obviously, but still distriguishable by their relative density.
fascinating shit
anon has seen a heart shaped limestone that was anatomically perfect and contained all of the trace elements present in a warm blooded animals heart in the proper locations and concentrations
>Go talk to a geologist first, then come back
Logical Fallacy = Appeal to Authority
Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered.
Sauce for pics related:
I have provided supporting evidence for limestone petrification theory fag
wheres yours?
>That's not a tree, genius. That's a natural formation.
because a tree is an UNnatural formation?
try again with a better understanding of the lexicon you are attempting to use
its always there for those who have eyes to see
or you can beleive the bullshit coming out of your local cube shaped building
>Jesus! People are dumber than I thought it was possible.
so no evidence to support your assertations then?
not going to refute the evidence provided for the other side of the argument?
gonna stick with 'MuhGeologists'?
I am going to go ahead and keep thinking logically
anons know
have a great morning
>Trees are natural formationsโฆ genius
you sure about that?
might want to consilt a botanist
or maybe a horticulturalist
no, no
definitely an arborist
fuck it, schedule a zoom call with all three or I am standing my ground that trees are manifactured for Apple in foxcon factories by the chyrese
>Sliding with "columnar basalt == trees"โฆ
the conversation is slightly larger than that
but you were not paying attention anyway
hows the covfefe at the data centers these days?
>That would help explain why we have so much oil underground.
bingo anon
pro-tip: its NOT Dinosaurs
your spiritual journey is so perfect your ready to correct others now are you?
nah, this person doesnt need to walk theor own path to find their own way
just shove it down their throats for them
God knows if everyone around you isnt exactly as enlightened as you are, your def not getting to heaven
fuck man
this is why people hate so called christians
>Again, its not about what I think, it's what the Bible says.
and so you are so sure your interpretation of the bible is the -right- one, that you are willing to damn others that dont see it that way?
you and the pope are in good company
>Care to clarify?
no we dont need to clarify
your words speak for themselves
but go ahead and keeep digging
when an allegory in the bible has multiple interpretations that are mutually exclusive
which one is the correct one?
>So we have a Bible coordinated shill and a Corn barrage shill storm going at the same time. That can only mean something was brought up in this bread that has them wanting to time this bread out. Something they don't want discussed. Their patterns and tactics never change.
-petrified ancient giants talk
-DEW lazers starting fires
-billions of dollars of Covid19 test kits purchased in 2018
-dreamstime dig
pick one
>90% of the Bible is pretty simple to understand, it doesn't need any interpretation.
say hello to the shill who has never read the bible
please keep digging
>There's more undefined than defined land mass on the realm.
Extra Terestrial
Extra Ter(a)strial
Extra Terra
Extra Land
everyone loves a bible lawyer
just everyone
night frens
be blessed
be best