Not every occult ceremony requires adrenochrome.
Just certain ones where the Faustian Deal is negotiated.
Not every occult ceremony requires adrenochrome.
Just certain ones where the Faustian Deal is negotiated.
Where in the fuck would someone obtain 'evidence' without being implicated in a crime?.
Are you a total and utter failure in life or just with using logic here on the boards?
So many references in cinema and media but it is just an urban legend, kind of like 'snuff films' (they don't exists).
K, I have made my conclusion you are controlled opposition trying to squelch what's about to drop
Worthless faggot, rogue, EFF BEE EYE COINTEL
That is some seriously fucked false logic.
How would making the consumption of blood worse by claiming a false high to MAKE HUMAN TRAFFICKING ANY BETTER?
Dumb cuck