how is the cat?
did you get the dishes done?
did the Preparation H take care of your 'problem'?
nothing like rubbing anons noses in it.
fkn nakers.
how is the cat?
did you get the dishes done?
did the Preparation H take care of your 'problem'?
nothing like rubbing anons noses in it.
fkn nakers.
well, when it is illegal to put a bucket under your gutter downspout
to harvest rainwater
you might be living in a …
>by you?
no, by team naker
using QR as a private chat room
pilpul thing.
like you have some sort of administrative capacity.
pretty funny.
over & over.
just doing my job.
someone has to sweep up the shit
and take out the trash.
do any other anons
use QR to catch up on house remodel projects
in progress by other anons?
lemme see if i can dum it down
there is no need to attack the board
when the nakers are baking and sliding.
and this has to do with
> the other half's parents' remodel plans or CA weather reports
exactly how?
confusing quads
but does it rhyme
with innocent until proven guilty?
asking for an innocent friend
who found out the hard way
that once in the sausage grinder
it costs the same
whether you are innocent or guilty
other than the POTUS RT, you mean?
Start with Amb Yo, in Kyrgyzstan