Found ultrasound backdoor (20 kHz to 24 kHz) on Android devices
"I posted here earlier this year, in April if I recall, about hearing these high pitched white noise like tones. The shit was making me sick and so I bugged out of the cities and headed to the country in my RV.
Now I've returned home (early) and it was still happening. I'm hearing it at home, I'm hearing it elsewhere around the Twin Cities. And after a couple weeks of a lot of investigating and playing around with various devices and such, trying to discover what I'm hearing, I finally figured it out.
Before I discovered what is going on I had one of my phone's hacked. It was in airplane mode, cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, all of it, was turned off. And, if that wasn't enough, I had it kept inside a (MOS brand) RF blocking pouch.
So, how could this have happened? How did apps get changed out with infected ones? Nobody had gotten a hold of my phone while it happened. And it occurred over several days.
Now, I won't go into all the details that lead me to discovering what those noises were, but I just happened to be looking at a waterfall spectrograph of these signals when suddenly my phone reacted at the same time those tones had briefly stopped. Then it happened some more. Those tones were downloading data into my phone. Stuff was being changed, alerted, swapped. I.E. a good copy of VLC was replaced with one that had menu items and features missing, but the version number was what I had used before. I keep an archive of Android apps, every version downloaded. System apps too. I compared this suspected one to a good copy and it was not the same.
Lots of stuff was messed up. I'm using that phone right now. I just turned it on for the first time since June when it got hacked. And .. stuff has been changed again.
Anyhow, there's a fucking backdoor on these Android devices, my Samsung Note 8 and 9 phones, my Samsung S4 tablet.It's using loud ultrasonic tones to transmit data to the microphone on your phone. And there's an app that is called Device Security or Phone Security that's part of this infection.That app seems to spawn other apps when ultrasound commands are received. And it appears programs can be downloaded by that method too.
I've spent some time watching these signals on a spectrograph. It seems to be operating between 20 kHz to 24 kHz. There seems to be a command channel that sweeps up and down that 4 kHz of ultrasounds. I noticed what looks like probably data being emitted using the entire 4 kHz once in a while.
Someone has been hacking my phone's for about 4 years now. When they get in, they break all the apps I use and try to screw up my wifi so I can't see my access points, or often none at all. They keep doing something to break my GPS. MORE …
Anyhow, this is going on all over the place.Devices are being hacked and those LOUD ultrasounds (70, 80 dB sometimes) are making people sick. But here's the thing: not many people can hear stuff that high of a frequency.I am one that can. And it's driving me crazy, and not just because I'm being hacked, but it's load, makes me nauseated, makes my eyes and noise drip constantly, and I'll feel
brief pains in my brain when they are aiming that crap at me. But I think I know where it's coming from. And I'm going to need to get a lawyer to stop and sue them for all these years of harassment.
But anyhow, I've noticed it happening elsewhere, numerous locations. And I have no idea why this is happening. Could this also be making people so sick.. and they are calling it COVID?
Anyhow, I want to write more but I'm probably getting hacked while I'm writing this. I guess I don't care though .. need evidence to sue an asshole .. or more.
My first guess is that is probably Comcast doing this. Everyone that is being hacked in my neighborhood are NOT Comcrap customers .. but they end up being one after their old provider could fix their constant problems.
I'm thinking Comcast is stealing WiFi from the neighborhood and SELLING IT back to the people they are taking it away from .. the citizens. I have a lot of evidence that supports this theory.
Anyhow, more later. Download a spectrograph app, see if your phone's mic can listen up to 24 kHz. You shouldn't really see anything the higher you get in hertz. I can hear these tones at 24 kHz myself. Download UltraSound Detector. It works great. So do a few others. The mics in most of these phones do seem to hear up to at least 24 kHz. I'll provide more info later on setting for that app which makes it easier to see the data, but does need adjusting depending on sensitivity of your phone's mic.
later .. sorry, no time to proof read, getting tired, busy day today."