Look out!
Look out!
Fame faggots on parade… Hippity Hoppity..
Look out!
Look out!
Fame faggots on parade… Hippity Hoppity..
This is what it looks like when the fourth wall breaks for the political process. Lots and lots of frogs.
>anons can't say baker union right?
There's enough individual bakers in circulation to make that true, yes.
things are more apparent now.
so that's why that was..
Lobbied for asking site owners to make text files attachable. Would obviate the need for pastebin at all..
never went anywhere though… Wonder why?
>union would be tough
yep. a couple of board owners did not believe me when I told them that anons will only put up with so much before anons take things in hand.
same thing will happen to any so-called "baker unuion". anons would rip it apart just like they did last time.
What went on this weekend was an attempt at the baker union ploy with different frosting.
Full transparency is the only way forward. That is all.
i'm not talking about oss.
I'm talking about anons' support of OSS. Any baker could have taken the bake. Including this one. I chose not to interrupt OSS because they were following anons demands.
This is my final statement on this matter.
>this weekend was about another agenda not baker related
yep. someone tried to roll /qr/. That is certain with all the evidence that went by this weekend.
"anyone can learn to bake!". Eyes open, is all.
all of the individuals have all gone canary in their own way, in various streams. It's all been seen.
Anons know exactly who they all are, and if they think anons missed it, they are fucking dumb as shit.