If you change the Anonymous in any way your Ass will be BLOCKED
No matter how important you think your message and your Ass is
BLOCKED if you fuck with the NAME
We are all the same here with the same name
If you change the Anonymous in any way your Ass will be BLOCKED
No matter how important you think your message and your Ass is
BLOCKED if you fuck with the NAME
We are all the same here with the same name
Do not own a mask - hate missing out on a good mask burning
Hell no I will not be going out and buying a mask for the silly ceremony
Soooooooo what is your latest score on this Great Wake Up you are doing
Shit we have ourselves an expert
So when are you going to do Adam Schitt Nancy Pelosi and Cryin' Chucky
Exactly — birds be singing
Fucking like a rabbit in here will not gain you bonus points
In other words you are wasting your time posting
Go stand in a corner and think for a while