>For arguments sake: All Bakers are compd
What can they do?
Refuse to document Notable Info.
What can't they do?
Stop Notable Info from being posted here in the first place.
So, what else am I missing here?
>For arguments sake: All Bakers are compd
What can they do?
Refuse to document Notable Info.
What can't they do?
Stop Notable Info from being posted here in the first place.
So, what else am I missing here?
Reminder from the Dept of What Coulda Been:
2020-09-09 was supposed to be the date Fitton got to depose Crooked in the email scandal - but the Appeals Court nixed it last month.
>Yep popped up on my calendar reminder today
/pol/ has a It's Happening! thread re: it that reminded me.
Took about 20 posts in before someone informed them that she got out of it.
Expand 8chan/8kun QResearch Posts and max to the bottom - too bad the /pol/ breads aren't there to find the true genesis story.
I was, but still can't recall the specifics.
It looks like the /pol/ section of archives there only contains the Q drops.
You're not wrong.
But, once again, what significant power do they have outside of gatekeeping the Notables?