September 9, 2020 | American Thinker
'Q' – Time to come forward
As all of you know, “Q” has become very popular with some conservatives. You or a friend may be a follower. It does get people involved in politics, and they learn a little history along the way. Followers generally believe that Q is a group of individuals with military intelligence access, with some involved in government communications; it is also believed some members of congress, the President, and other prominent individuals are involved in varying degrees. It is considered a backdoor of communication with the public, thus avoiding the “I know better than you…’ liberal media. If the above is true, Q is helping America, but there are issues. The delivery system is horrendous. The messages are cryptic and resemble a horoscope. Q followers must decipher the meaning. Even for the most intelligent person, this leaves a lot of room for interpretation or lack thereof. There’s widespread discussion of Deep State corruption, dungeons, child sacrifices, pedophilia, and countless related topics. If correct, these are horrific. But at the same time, they cast doubt on Q’s legitimacy. If such contentions are true, shouldn’t Q come forward and present documents showing how, when, and where these vile acts occurred or are occurring? An innocent child’s safety is always a top priority. Therein lies the problem. If Q is completely legit not some smart-aleck college kids pulling a prank they need to cut to the chase rather than force readers to find the answers on their own. If the particulars are that damning, Q must get others involved and provide the pertinent data…
>Bottom of the article: "A. Reaper is the pseudonym of a businessman who sells his products to both Blue and Red Customers and wishes to remain anonymous."
>[A. Reaper] in da house? Kekekekek…