Forgive me please if I am posting this at the wrong place.
I am very worried about a fundamental matter, a pivotal matter, where I believe I have hard evidence that it is being handled wrongly by Q-Team.
This matter has to do with the integrity of God-given spirit, the meaning of the soul, and it is a matter that cannot be ignored.
I try to explain.
A person who is mind-split into a non-conscious state can be brought to be involved in atrocious activities while in that state, and is nonetheless not guilty of those atrocities.
A simple, fundamental, matter.
The activities are completely separated from their consciousness, their soul.
Of course I can prove that.
But such persons I find included on lists that purport to be Q guilty-lists.
One of these Q guilty-lists is Q4577.
Imagine now that we would incarcerate or even execute such a person.
We would look at the NSA film and decide that that person were actively involved in the atrocity and in deciding that we would do what the bible tells us not to do under any circumstances- to believe in, to worship, the beast with the wounded head that was made whole.
That head is not whole. It just looks as tho it were whole.
Now I see posts rushing past here every second or so in this subfolder of the /res/ thread on 8kun/qresearch/.
So I dont really believe I am going to get thru to Q with this warning here.
But I try anyway.
Because this is fundamental I tried to open an own /qresearch/ thread but the result was that I got ugly pornography thrown in my face. Q doesnt do pornography, nor does our President.
So my personal opinion at the moment is that /qresearch/ is not necessarily the place to put this. I should be grateful of any indication where is.
Best wishes