Good work BAKER
Cakes are ready…
Take a tea break with friends
“Cold Fusion” may not be fusion
Low Energy Nuclear Reaction research continues on the fringes
A major force in the United States behind the continued interest in LENR is the U. S. Defense Department, particularly the Navy which depends on large, expensive, and dangerous nuclear reactors to power submarines and aircraft carriers. Even a possibility of having a reliable, portable source of power is enough for it to put some research dollars behind it.
Indeed, work at the Space and Naval Warfare Center (SPAWAR) in San Diego, California has demonstrated the ejection of nuclear products in experiments with the same type of palladium lattice that P&F used. This included the use of a special kind of plastic called CR-39 which can be used to capture ejected subatomic particles.
The researchers passed an electric current through a solution of deuterium containing a palladium lattice with a gold-nickel cathode and produced an immediate reaction. Examining the CR-39 with a microscope, they saw tell-tale “triple tracks” indicating neutrons had smashed into the plastic.
As one of the study participants, Pam Mosier-Boss said, “People have always asked ‘Where’s the neutrons? … We now have evidence that there are neutrons present in these LENR reactions.”
In a paper from 2007, this same team described the theory behind the neutron production, called electron capture, which is a top contender for what P&F thought was cold fusion of deuterium. Electron capture is not a strong force reaction like fusion however. It is a weak force reaction.
Look what Q said…
Have faith and trust yourself
Could there be another meaning for discernment?
One connected to Faith and to your PERSONAL trust in God?
Who really controls the [D] party?
To know that you have to put
C before D
Chrysómallon Déras
The D party is the Deras party
That is the Greek for Fleece
The Fleece party
Used by the Order of the Golden Fleece to fleece the sheep
And take their gold
But look what that is in German
Goldenes Schaffel
Means that the royal families in the Order of the Golden Fleece
Are now in the killbox
They are the men behind the curtain
George Soros is merely a banker who collects the funds embezzled by the Democrats
And then disburses them to revolutionaries as ordered.
Sure, his initials are GS
Because he was born in the Habsburg bloodline
In order to become a servant of the Order
And do their bidding
So they gave him the same initials as Goldenes Schaffel
There is more info on the whole story here in German
But Google translate should make it legible and the images are key connecting points to other info.
Medea for instance.
Remember that all the prominent publicly visible people are puppets
They are actors whose strings are being pulled by the men behind the curtain
Attacking the puppets just gives the real evildoers a warning and a chance to get away.
But now…Now we know who they are and since this is now officially a World War
Nowhere on the planet is safe.
Even President Xi of China gave the US military permission to operate within China to exfill evildoers
Because the Chinese do not like being controlled by the oligarchs any more than we do.
It's your money that was stolen from you
The right thing for them to do is to give it back so that you can get your life in order.
Attached is the PDF of the Phase Three experiments of SAFIRE