Legendary dab
I bet his kids have permanent cringe marks
This is fantastic
I'm not sure you understand how government works
Your governor needs to ask for help
States are sovereign unless specific conditions are met
The President has the authority to act in certain circumstances
This isn't one, not without the governor's request
Hold fast anon
Waiting for POTUS to move the rallies to a military installation
I have a feeling this fight isn't over
Go make some friends and start a movement anon
Get the Gov out
POTUS doesn't get to overrule the Gov unless certain conditions are met
Will of the people
Gov may be garbage but is elected
So go change it
Or move
Or don't and stay in here bitching about it
Get better
What has POTUS been standing at the podium saying about Portland
We're ready, all they need to do is ask for help
What I explained is why
Schools are shit these days
Educate yourself anon, your teachers let you down
Less diabeetus for sure
While I am for individual liberty and want to say fuck that
I do like the unintended consequence of less little fat fucks snacking on refined sugar
Really should be their choice though
So fuck that