"A. Reaper is the pseudonym of a businessman who sells his products to both blue and red customers and wishes to remain anonymous."
A Reaper is a stunted ass who has taken a cursory look at Q.
"The delivery system is horrendous"? Q has chosen one of the few venues where one can remain truly anonymous. No account, no login, no email or phone number required. If 'A Reaper' would take a moment to think about what life with a security clearance is like he or she would realize there are very few venues of opportunity available for reaching people, and Q has chosen a venue populated by people who think.
"The messages are cryptic and resemble a horoscope." Have you actually read the Q drops, A Reaper? There is a lot of very detailed information about the plot against our President. Please, take a moment to read the drops before you comment.
Granted there have been discussions about Q posts that include speculation, but that speculation is not coming from Q. It's as if a stadium of people show up to listen to Q and your response is to ask the crowd what they heard. Fair questions, but don't confuse the answers with what Q actually said.
"Shouldn't Q come forward"? Q has come forward. Are you insisting that sources and methods must be revealed?
"Therein lies the problem"? The best educators involve students in their own education. The best educators encourage students to "find the answers on their own".
"They could partner with" (radio hosts and reporters)'? "This worked during Watergate"? Woodward was used to construct a media narrative and was manipulated by a government source. I grew up in Boston. Do you really trust the FBI? John Connally taught me different.
"[A] cultlike group"? Screw you and your labels. We are independent thinkers who analyze. We are not where we are today because we are 'cult-like'. On the contrary, we tell people like you 'Sauce or GTFO' all the time.
"Am I missing something"? Yes. Most definitely, yes. Q is revealing to you what is happening. There are no predictions, no 'horoscopes', no ambiguity. Read and understand - it takes time and effort - and, it will help you understand and appreciate what is unfolding before your eyes.
I pray your understanding will not come at too great a price for you.