Anonymous ID: b3853e Sept. 9, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.10580371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Nov 2020 Election [Insurrection] Trail Leads Back to: Rosa Brooks [C_A] Handler/Organizer? + Open Society Soros==


(Daily Beast Sep 8, 2020)

The Left Secretly Preps for MAGA Violence After Election Day


“I wish we were having these conversations six months ago,” said Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. The co-founder of the Transition Integrity Project, Brooks has conducted war games to play out the range of Election Day and post-Election Day scenarios. And virtually all the outcomes, save one—a Biden landslide—have ended up facilitating a nightmarish fallout.


“My fear,” she said, “is we are still behind the eight ball.”

The Resistance

([Insurrection] - planning groups involved)

Democracy Alliance

Color of Change


National Domestic Workers Alliance

People’s Action

Fight Back Table - An initiative launched after the 2016 election to get a constellation of lefty organizations to work more closely together.


"Help 70 progressive organizations strategize and organize around a shared vision for our movement, and the Inclusive Democracy Project, which elevates the voices of new organizations led by and representing people of color in conversations about voting rights and democracy reform."

(Revolver News Sep 4, 2020)

Transition Integrity Project: Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a “Color Revolution” Against President Trump?


Rosa Brooks

  • Georgetown Univ.

  • Transition Integrity Project - co-founder

  • [WJC] State Dept.

  • [Hussein] Defense Dept.

  • Foreign Policy, LA Times, NY Times, WaPo, WSJ - opinion contributor.

  • In 2006-2007, Brooks was Special Counsel to the President at the Open Society Institute in New York.

  • CFR member




Anonymous ID: b3853e Sept. 9, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.10580704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0807

An [MSM] hit piece saying Q is a dangerous Nazi cult is the height of projection stupidity.

Q is quite literally hinting that [The Cabal] (we) are up against is a remnant of the Nazis et al.

Anonymous ID: b3853e Sept. 9, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.10580750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q one thing I'm wondering about is the Obama trip to China where he was dissed and made to walk out the back of the plane….what's the deal with that if his admin were selling out to the CCP????


If you are evil global criminals collaborating on the subjugation of the entire world, are you going to let "the sheep" see it by "palling around" together?


ACT like enemies.