Anonymous ID: bae4e3 Sept. 9, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.10580806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0823 >>0834 >>1023


Pence to attend fundraiser hosted by QAnon fan who shared anti-Semitic posts

this is fake news

went looking for the ARTICLE behind the twat to see just what kind of "anti-Semitic" posts these might be. Here's what it said:


Michael Borland has also posted conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family being behind a “globalist” conspiracy to create a totalitarian world order, a classic anti-Semitic trope.


In 2017, he shared a post that alleged Jewish groups working to help migrants were part of a “global cabal.”

[–exactly which groups??]


Michael Borland prominently features several QAnon “Q” logos on his Facebook page. One features a flaming “Q” with a Christian cross in the middle. He has also shared the QAnon oath as well as its slogan, which states: “Where We Go One We Go All.”

[I guess we're all supposed to know that posting a cross is anti-Semitic]

