Anonymous ID: 359526 Sept. 9, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.10581255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1311 >>1419

Peter Schweizer: The Biden Campaign Is Hiding Kamala Harris–Here’s Why


Joe Biden’s presidential campaign minimizes Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) public exposure due to Harris’s lack of charisma, alienation of moderate voters, and exposure of the former vice president’s weak mental and physical condition, said Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, and senior contributor at Breitbart News.


Biden’s team explain the former vice president’s rare public appearances as a function of concerns related to the coronavirus. Schweizer noted that if Harris were to be more visible than Biden, it would undermine the ostensible rationale for Biden’s limited visibility. Schweizer said, “I think that the Biden-Harris campaign is sort of on the horns of a dilemma, because Joe Biden has been scarce on the campaign trail. There’s all kinds of speculation why. The campaign wants to officially say it’s because they’re trying to abide by some kind of COVID restriction to limit travel. I think a lot of observers believe that it has more to do with the health of Joe Biden, [and] the fact that he’s highly vulnerable, but also there are questions about his performance when he does do speeches.” “If Joe Biden is not out there on the campaign trail and Kamala Harris is, it highlights the fact that they don’t have a policy about campaigning [regarding COVID-19],” determined Schweizer. “It’s just they don’t want Joe Biden out on the campaign trail.” Schweizer noted Harris’s lack of popularity in her home state of California as evidence of the senator’s lack of charisma.


“She’s not terribly popular, [and] she doesn’t poll well,” Schweizer remarked. “Recall when she dropped out [before] the presidential primary in her own state of California. She was polling something like eight percent. In a lot of respects, I think it is kind of a mystifying choice.” “[Harris’s] likability factor doesn’t seem to be particularly high,” Schweizer estimated. “I think that’s one of the reasons why she is scarce in the campaign. … From the standpoint of Democrats, it’s a very poor strategy. Voters expect you to go out and earn their votes, and and if you’re not going to work for it, it’s hard to attract people.” Marlow observed Harris’s inauthentic emotional expressions. “She is not particularly persuasive,” he stated. “When she speaks, I think she laughs and giggles at inappropriate times [and] she gets strident from time to time.” Harris’s political positions undermine Biden’s decades of positioning as a “moderate” Democrat, Schweizer explained, further necessitating the Biden team’s lessening of Harris’s role in the Democrats’ presidential campaign.


Schweizer said, “Joe Biden has positioned himself for most of his career [as a] more centrist Democrat. He was not a George McGovern Democrat. He was not a Jimmy Carter Democrat. He was Bill Clinton-like Democrat. Along comes Kamala Harris [with] a voting record to the left of Bernie Sanders — particularly when it comes to issues that are front and center right now, [such as] race relations, the police, and issues like reparations.” Harris’s political positions risk alienating suburban Democrats, speculated Schweizer. He said, “She is very very outspoken and vocal in a way that is probably not helpful from the standpoint of the Biden campaign in appealing to suburban voters.” Schweizer remarked, “Part of my theory is that they’re keeping [Harris] off the campaign trail because they don’t want her out there saying the kinds of things that she has said in the past, because it will scare a lot of moderate voters. Biden’s “physical feebleness” is exaggerated in contrast to Harris’s well-being, Schweizer noted. He suspected that Biden’s political staffers seek to minimize this exposure by limiting Harris’s public appearances. Harris refused to take questions from union workers and black business owners at a “roundtable discussion” in Milwaukee, WI, on Tuesday. While wearing a mask, Harris, said, “I think we’re all done here” when invited to a question and answer session.

Anonymous ID: 359526 Sept. 9, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.10581404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1704 >>1731

President Trump Adds Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley And Others To SCOTUS Nominee List


President Donald Trump added 20 names to his list of potential Supreme Court Justices on Wednesday, supplementing the list he originally presented before the 2016 election. Trump notably added three Republican senators to the list, including Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley. The original members such as U.S. 7th Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett and 3rd Circuit Court Judge Tom Hardiman remain on the list. “President Trump’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees demonstrates his commitment to appointing originalists, who will abide by the Constitution, and textualists, who will implement the plain meaning of statutes,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told the Daily Caller. “They will uphold the rule of law and ensure that America continues to shine as a beacon of freedom and justice around the world.” Soon after the announcement, Cotton tweeted that it was “time for Roe V. Wade to go,” and well as affirming his support for the 2nd Amendment.


Hawley, however, thanked Trump for including him on the list but said he preferred to stay in the Senate. Trump announced he would be releasing a new list in June, following a pair of SCOTUS decisions that were seen as blows to his administration and conservatives generally. Trump’s announcement came amid a media firestorm over reports that Trump admitted to Washington Post Columnist Bob Woodward that he had downplayed the severity of the coronavirus in order to maintain calm. Woodward released select recordings from his interviews with Trump for his upcoming book on the Trump administration, titled “Rage.” More expansive recordings are to be released during this weekend’s “60 Minutes” program. Woodward told Trump in a March 19 interview that “it’s clear, just from what’s on the public record that you went through a pivot on [coronavirus] to, ‘oh my god, the gravity is almost inexplicable and unexplainable.’” Woodward then asked him what caused the change in rhetoric. “To be honest with you,” Trump responded. “I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

Anonymous ID: 359526 Sept. 9, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.10581578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republican statement won't appear in Oregon voter pamphlet because it arrived 29 seconds late


'Reeks of partisan discrimination' A statement from the Oregon Republican Party won't appear in the state voters' guide mailed out for November's election because it arrived 29 seconds late to the online reporting system, officials told the Associated Press.


The statement was headlined "Had enough? Vote Republican!" and attacked Democratic leadership in Oregon over issues ranging from "Unrestrained rioting" in Portland to coronavirus mismanagement resulting in "catastrophic small business losses," the AP said. Oregon Public Broadcasting reported that Kevin Hoar, communications director for the state GOP, said his party did get the statement into an online filing system by 4:59 p.m. Aug. 25, the final day for filing, the outlet said. Hoar also said state Republican chairman Bill Currier was locked out of the online filing system for several hours, which delayed the GOP's ability to file its statement, the AP said. But Laura Fosmire, a spokeswoman for Secretary of State Bev Clarno, said deadlines apply equally to everyone, the outlet noted. "Anyone wishing to submit information to the Voters' Pamphlet has several weeks to do so, and we recommend avoiding waiting until the last minute for this reason," she said in a statement, according to the AP. But Currier told the outlet that not including the GOP's statement in the voting guide "reeks of partisan discrimination." "If a bureaucrat in some decision-making role simply didn't like what our statement said, this doesn't give them the right to silence us," he added to the AP. However, Fosmire told the outlet there were "no problems or glitches" with the online reporting system: "[W]e simply received the statement after the filing deadline." Hoar added to the AP that a lawsuit was filed demanding the statement's inclusion before the voters' guide goes to print later this month. "We can't quite explain the interpretation and decision here" by state elections officials, Hoar told the outlet. The Democratic Party of Oregon and six other political parties are included in the voters' pamphlet for the Nov. 3 election, the AP said.


Oregon secretary of state is a Republican As it turns out, Oregon Secretary of State Clarno is the only Republican in statewide office, the outlet said. Clarno, a former Oregon House speaker, was appointed by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown to serve the rest of the Dennis Richardson's term after he died in 2019, the AP said. How did Democrats react? "That the GOP wasn't able to follow the rules and is now crying foul is ridiculous," the Oregon Democratic Party said in response to the Republican reaction, according to a news video from KGW-TV. "And their accusations of partisanship are laughable. … The Oregon GOP messed up. Instead of accepting the consequences that come with procrastinating until the absolute last minute, they're throwing a fit." The Democrats also noted that "for a political party that touts 'personal responsibility' and following the the letter of the law, the Republicans are having an awfully hard time owning up to their own mistake," the station added.


The curious case of Kanye West In a similar matter, headline-grabbing hip-hop artist Kanye West won't be on the ballot for November's presidential election in Wisconsin after his election lawyer submitted signatures just a couple of minutes too late last month. West's legal team tried to argue that the signatures were turned in before 5:01 p.m., which means they technically met the 5 p.m. deadline — but the elections commission rejected that argument in a 5-1 vote. Milwaukee Republican Robert Spindell was the only commissioner to argue that West should still be on the ballot. "Mr. West is an African American candidate," Spindell said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "And I think we should do all we can to — after the terrible treatment that the black population in Milwaukee received during the April election — that we give them a choice." Spindell accused Democrats of attempting to suppress the black vote. West is generally considered a candidate who could take votes — especially black votes — away from Democratic nominee Joe Biden. But polling indicates that even if he did get on ballots, his presence wouldn't make much of a dent.