memeber when faggot rainman got consistently btfo on 8ch? yea, me too.
just as bad as that parasite aflb.
memeber when faggot rainman got consistently btfo on 8ch? yea, me too.
just as bad as that parasite aflb.
idiots acting surprised at sleepers turning.
you were told.
idiots acting surprised that those who made it through the obama mil purge and who kept their careers are now fighting back against being drained from the swamp.
buckle up, niggers.
going to be a hell of a ride.
oh, and you were also told early on that 70% at least were fucking corrupt and also that the cancer spread.
stop acting surprised when swampniggers come out against potus.
he's still the fucking commander in chief.
>muh plebbit space
those who were a threat to the establishment got the Flynn treatment and/or worse.
>what is the obama military purge?
you ate the disinfo like a good bitch and aren't autistic enough to understand what's going on.
go back to playing with your fucking crayons and eating dog shit while you surf blacked threads on /pol/ you useless fuck.
>red text/all caps
yea, totes, nigger.
your box of crayons awaits.
this will be your last shekel.
contrary to popular belief, the deep state isn't that stupid.
they know how to keep their hands somewhat clean.
just create the conditions for something to habben (letting brush grow up) and it will habben (fires through stupid people's ignorance) while they reap the rewards (federal bailouts).
circumventing the laws to evade justice.
this is why your voice and vote matter.
recall the mother fuckers.
could be.
kind of like if you're going to rob someone, rob a drug dealer because it's not like they're going to call the cops.
easy to slip someone (ms13) a brown envelope full of cash and telling them what needs to be done.
practically untraceable if done right.
potus has all the blackmail that mossad did through taking down nxivm and eggstein.
can only imagine the october surprises for the red team.