Anonymous ID: 5c502f Sept. 9, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.10582114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey Q -

So the U.S. is on fire, locked down, masked up and if we dare go outside we might get beaten or murdered by people who aren't held accountable. You still highlight the wrongdoings of the Deep State and how very bad and stupid they are…and yet….you members of the Federal gov't/Military/Administration ignore our pleas to put an end to this carnage. POTUS says he'll help if the affected state's Governor calls for it. But the Governors of these states are clearly corrupt! So, we the people scream out every day in any way possible - primarily social media - for this insanity to end….and….nothing. Not a gawd damned thing. This November, I'll have to mail in my ballot because the brown-shirts are hunting people in the streets. I'm not dying over a ballot.

It's at the point now where I hold the Federal Gov't/Administration responsible for allowing this garbage to continue. So sick and tired of all of you bastards.