Fireanon here… Funny thing today. I'm in so. Cal. And I was wishing my mom a happy birthday and she asked if I was getting sent out on any of the incidents… We then talked about how this is many years in a row of massive fires. It was never like this. All I could tell her is it doesn't feel natural. From the warming fires by homeless and the lightning strikes in NorCal, they seem like they're growing year after year… immediately the paradise fire came to mind and the fire started by the electrical company. 16 years of this and I've now stood in 2 towns that were completely leveled. Hadn't seen that until 4 years ago and now twice.
While fires don't seem political, I'm forced to reflect on Australia and the massive amount of arson arrests last year. Once the word was out, the fire bugs went nuts. My conspiratorial mind has to think there was a financier behind that…
Or it's less sinister yet more psychological in that the MSM announces anytime everything is in perfect alignment that it is high fire weather, red flag warning, and I also don't remember hearing that on the news until about 7 years ago… Funny thing, if there's .0001% of arsonists out there compared to the population, the MSM is telling them it's a good time to start a fire.
Just sharing my thoughts