You wouldn't know dough if it sat on your face and was two posts above you. kek
Take a before and after pic. My buddy did it and it was remarkable. Good luck, fren. Whatever you do, don't quit smoking if you do!!! kek
Who dis Karli I bin hearin' bout?
Confide in a friend that respects you and you respect them. Be nice to yourself, even if you fuck up. You just start the next day. Try not to think of how many days. It causes pressure.
Anon has a friend who took a drunk from his home (with his wife and kids blessing). He was a retired DI and owns 250 acres in Montana. He kept him there for 2 years. That was 22 years ago. He's sober, still married, his kids love him and he's in pretty good shape! True story, brother. Remove all exits and you will succeed. God and anons love you.
He ain't Misled any more.
Just so he loves America. BTW, you're the real faggot.