Must need a big culmination of free will to go into the right direction?
Will the sky event be the stealth bomber, which will also be the great awakening?
Hard to gauge what's true from that whole story and what isn't. A part of me still thinks mad dog is our guy. Obama doesn't fire you unless you have a moral compass.
alcoholic until 2016. Now im here, almost 5 years dry soon.
Thats an interesting theory.
Thanks. Was weird. As soon as I quit drinking I started searching conspiracies. Then Trump won. Then Q came along. Feels like it was all meant to be. Very grateful. Ive doubted many times. Im still asleep in some aspects. But I have faith in God and belief Q is looking out for our best interests.
Eh. I personally quit it. Shouldn't need anything to enhance the gift of life imo. But weed is far less harmful for sure.