Media shows the vote too close to call at best maybe outright calls FLA for Biden right off then goes the rest of the night
Broward County crooks gonna do what they do!
In the morning no clear winner emerges.
Biden doesn't concede, nor does Trump.
Then comes the strife with BLM/Antifa/Patriots
BOTH SIDES of whom have been primed to the max for conflict.
Food shortages, product shorts, maybe crash the stocks cause they didn't like uncertainty.
Riots + Media + Traitors to Trump including former Admins.
Nancy gloats over majority in Senate and Congress and they begin to impeach Trump instantly
Special Investigators are dismissed
Nancy calls for UN to help quell violence
Month into it, Nancy and the traitor Generals in the Pentagon force Trump to concede and/or forcibly remove him
UN and China now stay stationed in the USA to help quell the riots and many citizens welcome them cause they split open Antifa heads.
Joe is seated as new fake POTUS - Media celebrates - Chinese soldiers stay and help local Police enforce laws including disarm citizens.
META Catastrophy (choose one) Finale that will require a one world government and currency and an amalgamation of all religions under 1 leader and 1 banker and 1 ruler
They have packed the pentagon and every administration in the nation with Globalists for 40 years. We supposed this would get saved with one President? Nope! Trump bought us some time to get ready to fight for our land.
But the Media a.k.a. the Mouth of Sauron must be taken down if we are going to be able to win the Psyop portion of this very real coming conflict.
Please be prepared for the worst!
But PRAY AND EXPECT EXPECT the very best!