pb/lb asshole
Perimeter information from fires that started between 1878 and 2017 comes from Cal Fire, while information on the Thomas Fire and fires that started in 2018 comes from the USGS. Cal Fire says that their dataset — which runs from 1878 to 2017 as of January 2019 — is the most complete dataset of California wildfire perimeters before 1950.
This dataset represents USDA Forest Service fire perimeters 10+ acres and California Dept of Forestry fire perimeters 300+ acres occurring from the year 1950 to 2007. The geographic extent of the fires includes the State of California, Region 5 Forests (some R5 Forests have boundaries falling outside CA) and the Toiyabe National Forest in Region 4. Some fires before 1950 are also included. Fires are compiled from both historic and recently mapped records. This layer contains records up to and including fires from 2018.
Fire18_1 was released May 1st, 2019. 413 wildfires from the 2018 fire season were added to the database. There are two fires on BIA managed land that do not have 3 letter code identifiers and thus "Unit" was left blank. A hand drawn perimeter of the 1990 San Juan Canyon fire in BEU was submitted by a fire fighter who worked on the fire. The perimeter of the Thomas fire of 2017 was replaced this year by one collected by SBC that is based on someone walking some parts of the perimeter for better accuracy.
Sometimes it is difficult to look at an organization and imagine it as anything other than what it is today. It is sometimes unsettling to acknowledge that things are not constant; that what we think we know today, what we are so sure of this very moment, may be different tomorrow. Yet it is the ability to change that makes CAL FIRE such an outstanding organization. It is change that brings new faces and experiences into our structure. And, it is change that keeps us flexible and able to adapt as the decades pass.
In 2005 CAL FIRE celebrated 100 years of history. Throughout those years the Department experienced tremendous change. We invite you to explore CAL FIRE's history on this site. From the Air Program and Mobile Equipment, to the Conservation Camp Program and Resource Management, it has been a long and ever evolving history.
Many lives and events have shaped the history of CAL FIRE since 1905. We will continue to share that history with you on this site.
Kek, Florida man strikes again.
Why wouldn't she be?