NOAA sat data has been harder to access in the last few years.
Me, I'm all about the weather and quakes. But when the fires kick up, I'm on.
This utube was posted yesterday of CA fires sat feed. Note the "anomaly" Now the data is censored through the feed for that timestamp, and there is a 20 minute delay in general data all filters. What's going on in the 20min? You guessed it, clean up of evidence in all respects.
Don't get me going on Noaa. This covering up the data (and the questions raised) has got to stop!
So, the next question is: was it lidar, dew? wtf. something was triggered and this is playing with fire!
If not, then why are all these fires being triggered when there is no cloud cover/lightening?
Of course I'm watching all this irt monitoring the weather wars.
It's getting very busy in this rof world.