>>10586018 I just tell them that I don't watch much TV and ask something about them, their kids, local events, etc. If they can't carry on a conversation about their own life I move on to someone else.
Things, and people, aren't always what they appear to be. I wonder if the Woodward book will end up being more of an expose of an ongoing coup than a hit job on POTUS.
If you go back and re-read the Q posts you might change your mind on Sessions. I think he is quietly playing a different, critical role, well out of sight until the time is right for his reappearance.
Well, pardon my language but fuck the 60 day rule. I think that sedition and treason supersede some traditional gentlemen's agreement.
>>10586172 It's a starting point, and a way to find commonalities. And yes, I really enjoy hearing about people and their lives. Sure beats obsessing about the idiots on TV.
>>10586233 Hanging Lake, Colorado?
>>10586282 In every depressing story there are breadcrumbs that can lead to a path forward. Sometimes people just need fresh eyes helping them follow the breadcrumbs.
Hey Q, if you have any dirt on this perv can you please use it?
I doubt it. We tend to think for ourselves here, and are naturally skeptical. Plus, I'm afraid of heights, so no cliffs for me.