Jesus is but a servant of our Creator.
I know I'm an incarnated extraterrestrial with a lifetime of a mission here, I prepared in ways I cannot imagine, let alone remember, and so did many others here. 3 years is NOTHING in the grand scheme. We are liberating a planet. Smartest thing to do is know when to open your mouth and when to show understanding and love for those that cannot yet see.
Be patient, we haven't seen ANYTHING yet.
All I see is religious dogma. Human = God? That's Satanism. You also drink his blood and eat his flesh? Give me a break.
Vatican's Christianity doesn't always serve God.
Never forget where the rituals came from!
Yes haha
I refuse to be dogmatic.
The amount of work Patriots have done to prevent much worse suffering has to be monumental. Think BDT up to 11.
I can start anywhere in the Bible, in the Qur'an, in Talmud, and all will tell me a dogmatic story with very little sauce.