Anonymous ID: 12d695 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:54 a.m. No.10587545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7655 >>7720

Random late night thought while Taking The Pot:


Maybe some version of the mulitple universe theory is true, and although we are only aware of this one timeline that we have physically experienced, all our possible timelines are mystically connected to each other, like with the principle in 'spooky action at a distance'.

If that is a possibility, maybe what Q meant by "where we go one we go all" is that the victory we achieve for good against evil in this timeline somehow brings victory to, or allows victory in, all our other possible timelines / universes / versions of self. And maybe Q's statements like "We are going to show you a new world" and "This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)" are about an end result where all the timelines converge into one (like a wave of countless potential collapsing into a point of super reality), or about us becoming aware of the other timelines / realities and becoming able to view them or experience them.

Just thinking out loud in case it gives someone an idea that they end up thinking about more sometime.

I would say it's more likely to all be about the war of good and evil in this one timeline/universe, which Christ ultimately already won outside of time with His sacrifice and victory over hell/sin in accordance with Divine Law, but which is still playing out within time/space until the predetermined appointed time of the end ("Read the BIBLE. GOD WINS.")