Anonymous ID: 9bf672 Sept. 10, 2020, 5:04 a.m. No.10588026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8030 >>8113

This. If you haven’t caught on, Anons, Outcome-Based-Education ( No Child Left Behind ) was Objective 2 of GWB.


1) Establish Interdiction into MidEast and confiscate untold valuables located within Iraq. Afghanistan was the NWO plan, gents. Iraq was some Order of Babylon shit and prep for Iran.

2) Homogenize the Youth of these United States.


Charlotte Iserbyt of Maine and speaking on the Deliiberate Dumbing Down of America


First they come for the men.

Then they separate husbands and wives.

Then they undo marriage.

Then they come for the youth when no strong men are left to protect them.

Then they take the children’s minds and lock in the Thousand Points of Light.


Going to cross post this to qresearch.


Education is how we have ANTIFA guys. If kids were still Americanized w the fires of Liberty in their skulls - they would have rejected this communist ideal bullshit.


We need to be present in these kids lives. This is the reason piece of shit commies tend to get government jobs around kids.