Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.10590276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0283 >>0533 >>0638 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948 >>0967

Portland passes unprecedented ban on facial recognition tech, despite $24,000 Amazon lobbying effort to kill initiative


Portland lawmakers unanimously passed a sweeping ban on facial recognition technology, becoming the first city to bar both public and private entities from the controversial software and defeating Amazon’s bid to kill the measure.


The Portland City Council adopted the ban in the form of two separate ordinances on Wednesday. The first will block all city agencies, including the police, from using the tech, while the other prohibits private organizations from deploying facial recognition devices in public places. Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler has hailed the move, saying it sets Portland apart from other cities.


“What makes Portland's legislation stand out from other cities is that we're prohibiting facial recognition technology use by private entities in public accommodations,” Wheeler said following Wednesday’s vote.


This is the first of its kind of legislation in the nation.


While the measure pertaining to government agencies applies immediately, the private ban will come into effect in January. Both laws allow only limited exceptions, permitting facial recognition technology used to unlock smartphones, for example, as well as uses inside Portland public schools. Earlier versions of the ordinances also carved out exemptions for US Customs and Border Protection, however that language was struck from the proposals passed on Wednesday.


Though e-commerce giant Amazon announced a one-year “moratorium” on police use of its facial recognition software in June, calling for governments nationwide to impose “stronger regulations to govern the ethical use” of the tech, the company has fiercely fought Portland’s attempt to do precisely that. Despite its claimed commitment to shelving the technology to await stricter controls, Amazon spent a total of $24,000 on lobbying efforts to fight the city’s ban between last December and June, 30, 2020, public records show.


Got to protect their rioters

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.10590282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0339 >>0497 >>0533 >>0649 >>0705 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Michigan Governor and Crazed Tyrant Gretchen Whitmer Orders High School Football, Soccer and V-Ball Players to Wear Masks, Even During Competition


More tyranny from Michigan’s power drunk governor.

Michigan’s crazed governor/tyrant ordered all high school and college football, soccer and volleyball athletes to wear face masks — even during competition.


MLive reported:


Michigan high school athletes in football, soccer and volleyball should keep those face coverings handy. They will need to continue wearing them, even during the heat of competition.


That’s the latest word from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who on Wednesday signed Executive Order 180, which clarifies mandates on face coverings for organized sports during training, practice and competition.


The new order states that a face covering must be worn at all times by athletes, unless they can maintain 6 feet of social distance.


So those in football, soccer and volleyball — sports that just returned this week — will need to wear face coverings at all times. Cross country, golf and tennis can go without masks, if they can stay apart. Swimmers are the only exception to any coverings.


Whitmer later excluded sports like tennis, golf, cross country and baseball.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.10590298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0335 >>0364 >>0367 >>0399 >>0411 >>0428

Bob Woodward: General James Mattis Plotted Overthrow of U.S. Government…


According to a pre-release excerpt from the Washington Post Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States.


[…] “Mattis quietly went to Washington National Cathedral to pray about his concern for the nation’s fate under Trump’s command and, according to Woodward, told Coats, “There may come a time when we have to take collective action” since Trump is “dangerous. He’s unfit.” (read more)


What do you call a conversation between the Defense Secretary and the head of the U.S. intelligence apparatus where they are talking about taking “collective action” to remove an elected President? That’s called sedition…. A seditious conspiracy.


As alarming as that sounds on its face, this actually aligns with our own previous research into key military leadership, the joint chiefs, and their corrupt intent to overthrow the elected government. Readers will remember when we noted this very issue after Lt. Col Alexander Vindman compromised his position yet was not removed by his command structure within the Pentagon.


NOVEMBER 2019 – […] For emphasis let me repeat a current fact that is being entirely overlooked. Despite his admitted usurpation of President Trump policy, Vindman was sent back to his post in the NSC with the full support of the United States Department of Defense.


The onus of action to remove Vindman from the NSC does not just lay simply at the feet of the White House and National Security advisor Robert O’Brien; and upon whose action the removal of Vindman could be positioned as political; the necessary, albeit difficult or perhaps challenging, obligation to remove Lt. Col Vindman also resides purposefully with the Dept. of Defense.


The Pentagon could easily withdraw Vindman from his position at the National Security Council; yet, it does not…. and it has not. WHY?


There is a code within the military whereby you never put your leadership into a position of compromise; ie. “never compromise your leadership”. In this example, President Trump cannot remove Vindman from the White House NSC advisory group due to political ramifications and appearances…


The Joint Chiefs certainly recognize this issue; it is the very type of compromise they are trained to remove. Yet they do nothing to remove the compromise. They do nothing to assist.


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was the majority (#1) source for the material CIA operative Eric Ciaramella used in a collaborative effort to remove President Trump from office. Let me make this implication crystal clear:

The United States Military is collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office.


Do you see the issue now?


The Pentagon has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to countermand this implication/reality.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to diminish the appearance of, nor deconstruct the agenda toward, the removal of President Trump.


Mr. President, do I have your attention?

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.10590305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange Trial Abruptly Halted After US Attorney Exposed To COVID-19: "Courtroom At Risk"


During the fourth day of resumed Julian Assange extradition hearings the judge has unexpectedly halted proceedings due to one of the lawyers possibly being exposed to coronavirus.


District Judge Vanessa Baraitser said the London hearing has been adjourned until at least next Monday, pending the US government's attorney awaiting results of a COVID-19 test.


The judge and lawyers for both sides are said to be in deliberations over what course the hearings should take if indeed the US lawyer is confirmed with COVID-19.


The WikiLeaks founder's defense team is especially concerned over the fragile health of their client, given he's been held within the harsh and virus-prone confines of Belmarsh prison:


Assange's attorney, Edward Fitzgerald, said it had to be assumed that the lawyer had the virus and "COVID will be in the courtroom."


"Court staff themselves would be at risk, and you yourself may well be at risk," he told the judge.


"Finally, our client Mr. Assange, who is vulnerable you are aware, would be at risk in court."


Baraitser then reiterated, for those in video link who didn't hear, that one of barristers on prosecution team may have been exposed to COVID-19. Testing will occur today. Results expected on Friday. #Assange

— Kevin Gosztola (@kgosztola) September 10, 2020


The New York Times described the hearing's pause as having happened "abruptly" after it was made known of the US federal government team's exposure.


Looking forward to the courtroom sketch of Assange in a glass box with only judge in the room as we all proceed virtually. That'll be quite appropriate image for this case. #COVID19 #AssangeCase

— Kevin Gosztola (@kgosztola) September 10, 2020


It's as yet unknown which among the prosecution's team is undergoing testing, but at this point it's likely all of them will.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.10590313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0358 >>0376 >>0424

‘Nothing nefarious at all’: Backlash as ex-NSA chief, involved in mass surveillance revealed by Snowden, joins Amazon board


General Keith Alexander, ex-director of the National Security Agency, who oversaw illegal mass spying on Americans, has been appointed to Amazon’s board of directors, drawing the ire of privacy advocates, including Edward Snowden.


Amazon announced that Alexander, who served as NSA director from 2005 up to his retirement in March 2014, will join the company’s board on Wednesday.


“We’re thrilled to elect a new member to our Board of Directors this month. Welcome, General Keith Alexander!” the tech giant said in a statement on Twitter.


However, some, including the ex-CIA contractor Edward Snowden, were less than “thrilled” about the appointment.


Snowden – who in 2013 blew the whistle on a secret NSA surveillance program, leaking a massive trove of documents proving the bulk and warrantless collection of Americans’ telephone records by the government – was one of the first to call out Amazon for hiring Alexander.


“It turns out ‘Hey Alexa’ is short for ‘Hey Keith Alexander.’ Yes, the Keith Alexander personally responsible for the unlawful mass surveillance programs that caused a global scandal,” tweeted the whistleblower, who remains in exile in Russia.


🚨🚨 It turns out "Hey Alexa" is short for "Hey Keith Alexander." Yes, the Keith Alexander personally responsible for the unlawful mass surveillance programs that caused a global scandal. And Amazon Web Services (AWS) host ~6% of all websites. 🚨🚨

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) September 9, 2020


Snowden noted that while Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosts nearly 6 percent of all websites, the figure looks even more damning “if you measure it by traffic instead of number of sites.”


Journalist Glenn Greenwald, a Snowden ally who was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the US intelligence machine’s global mass surveillance program, tweeted that Alexander's appointment only revealed Amazon’s true colors.


“Gen. Keith Alexander was head of NSA when it secretly built a massive domestic surveillance system aimed at Americans – the one an appellate court just ruled likely illegal. Amazon just appointed him to its Board of Directors, again showing who they are,” Greenwald said.


Gen. Keith Alexander was head of NSA when it secretly built a massive domestic surveillance system aimed at Americans - the one an appellate court just ruled likely illegal.Amazon just appointed him to its Board of Directors, again showing who they are:

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 9, 2020


Nothing to see here, except that the former NSA spy chief Keith Alexander is on the board of directors of Amazon which has CIA contracts and a monopoly on many services on the internet.

— Esha (@eshaLegal) September 9, 2020


Wow, the former director of the NSA? nothing nefarious about that at all.

— MAX 👁 PROPAYNE X (@Black24Boi) September 9, 2020


Last week, a federal appeals court ruled that the “bulk collection” of data used by the NSA was illegal, with Snowden hailing the decision as a milestone in the fight against government-sanctioned snooping.


Even without an ex-spy chief with a less-than-stellar reputation in terms of privacy protection on its board, Amazon has faced growing pushback over its intrusive high-tech devices. Its virtual assistant Alexa was caught red-handed passively recording intimate conversations of unsuspecting family members, while its new fitness tracker ‘Halo’ promises to scan users’ bodies and track emotions in their voice.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.10590321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Tweets "Kim Jong Un Is In Good Health" After Latest Round Of 'Near Death' Rumors


Two-and-a-half weeks ago the UK Sun as well as New York Post set off the latest round of rumors suggesting North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un was on his way out due to rapidly deteriorating health.


The NY Post went so far as to say recent appearances were "fake" after he fell into a coma, and that his increasingly visible sister, Kim Yo Jong, is in the process of taking the reigns of power. "North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been in a coma for months and all his recent public appearances were faked, a South Korean official says in a new report about the reclusive despot," the Aug.24 "bombshell" report said.


But given it was something like the 58th "coma" or "death" report for Kim over the past few years, most remained highly skeptical, chalking them up to the ash heap of past similar rumors and fake news. And now President Trump in a rare acknowledgement has directly weighed in with a Thursday morning tweet:


Kim Jong Un is in good health. Never underestimate him!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2020


Fully aware of the persistent rumors, Trump said, "Kim Jong Un is in good health. Never underestimate him!"


Two weeks ago, a mere days after the initial reporting saying he had supposedly been in a coma "for months" (and to the embarrassment of those pushing the initial false reports), Kim appeared at a Workers’ Party meeting in preparation for a looming typhoon, according to North Korean state media.


He was also more recently photographed inspecting damage from the typhoon in the aftermath.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un surveys typhoon damage and fires provincial party leader

— MSN (@MSN) September 6, 2020


International reports also said the meeting he chaired dealt with the coronavirus pandemic, which Pyongyang has been accused of greatly downplaying the extent of inside the country.


It's unclear whether Trump's Thursday tweet confirming the North Korean dictator is alive and well sprang from public reporting or perhaps based on intelligence, or even personal communications. Concerning this latter point, nuclear talks have been stalled and appear to be significantly hampered since late last year, and after Pyongyang conducted a series of provocative short and medium range missile tests over surrounding waters including the Sea of Japan.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.10590329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Ankara blasts Macron’s ‘arrogant’ statement as he says ‘Turkey is no longer a partner in East Mediterranean’


The Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that the French president’s critical comments on the standoff in the eastern Mediterranean are a sign “of his own weakness and despair.”


Macron “has again made an arrogant… statement,” the ministry in Ankara said after the French president urged European leaders earlier in the day to stand up to Turkey’s “unacceptable provocations.” He hosted an emergency summit in Corsica with seven leaders of EU countries that border the Mediterranean Sea at a time when Ankara seeks to expand its energy resources and influence in the eastern Mediterranean.


The meeting came amid fears of an open conflict with Turkey stemming from tensions over offshore oil and gas drilling. Ankara has already lashed out at France and the EU for siding with Greece and Cyprus in the dispute.


Ahead of the Med-7 Summit, Macron said that “Turkey is no longer a partner in the Mediterranean region.” He made it clear that the meeting was summoned to clarify “red lines” if a “fruitful dialogue” with Turkey was to restart.


The EU states should avoid an escalation, but that does not mean they should be passive in disputes with Ankara, Macron said. “We must be tough with the Turkish government and not with the Turkish people who deserve more than the Erdogan government,” the French leader was quoted as saying. “All unilateral actions of Turkey, such as the Turkish-Libyan memorandum, without respecting the rights of Greece, are unacceptable.”


Apart from the Foreign Ministry in Ankara, Turkey’s ruling party did not leave Macron’s comments unnoticed either, accusing him of extending his country’s “long history of colonialism.” Omer Celik, spokesman for the Justice and Development (AK) Party, described the French leader’s statement as an “old and immoral game” of colonialists. “They offered a false show of love to exploit the people, but targeted patriotic leaders,” he tweeted.


Ankara has repeatedly said that it is sending out its drill ships to explore for energy on its continental shelf in the Mediterranean, claiming that both Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus have rights in the region.


It was no accident that the Med-7 Summit took place in Corsica, as the island is a French stronghold in the Mediterranean. Macron on Thursday did not mention any specific actions he wants European member states to take against Turkey’s moves.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.10590336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0419 >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Citi Names First Female CEO Of Wall Street Mega-Bank; Corbat Out


Citigroup is making Wall Street history.


Michael Corbatt, the long-serving CEO of Citigroup who led the bank through most of its post-crisis recovery, will retire in February, and in his stead, the bank has appointed Jane Fraser, who was named the company's president last year, and who will now become the first female head of a major Wall Street bank. Fraser will join the bank's board immediately, it said in a statement, but won't officially take the reins until Corbatt leaves early next year,


Corbatt, who is probably best known to the public for his appearance at last year's Congressional hearing with his fellow Wall Street leaders, said in a statement that "we completed our transformation from the financial crisis and emerged a simpler, safer and stronger institution,” Corbat said in the statement. “There is always more to do and I believe the time is right for my successor to lead Citi through this next stage of progress.”


Fraser has long been seen as a contender for the top job, according to reports published back in October 2019 when she was named president of the international banking giant.


The bank's profitability soared during Corbatt's reign, though that hasn't always been reflected in the share price.


A 16-year veteran at Citi, Fraser first joined the bank to run client strategy in the investment bank, and had been running the bank’s Latin America business, including its Citibanamex division in Mexico, for the past few years before taking over the then-vacant president seat last year.


She has run Citi’s private bank, as well as its troubled mortgage business, and is credited internally with helping the bank recover after the financial crisis, when Citi had to take $45 billion in taxpayer money to survive.


Before joining Citi, Fraser was a consultant at McKinsey.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.10590352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fmr Detective Out on Bail for Child Sex Crimes, Arrested Again for Role in Child Sex Trafficking Ring


Pinal County, AZ — Earlier this year, former Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office detective Christopher Michael Butts began engaging in a sexual conversation with a child he knew was just 13-years-old. He made several attempts to meet up with the girl for sex and was arrested after he showed up near her home. After he was arrested for luring a minor for sexual exploitation, Butts made bail and was released. Now, this man who once claimed to “protect” society is back in jail. This time he was arrested — while out on bail for child sex crimes — for allegedly participating in a child sexual exploitation and child sex trafficking ring in Pinal County.


The sting operation, known as Operation Home Alone 2, led to five arrests between Aug. 26, 2020, and Sept. 3, 2020. The other four men allegedly participating in the child trafficking ring were not police officers.


Butts’ arrest came on September 2 during the sting and he stands accused of child trafficking, sexual exploitation of a minor and furnishing harmful items to a minor.


The Arizona Department of Public Safety, which is leading the investigation, said in a news release that the ongoing effort focuses on “sexual predators who attempted to lure underage children with the intent of engaging in sexual activity” in Pinal County.


According to court records, in March, Butts began discussing engaging in sex acts with a child and stated in a message, “I promise I am not here to take you, I definitely will not hurt you. If you say stop or no, then I will absolutely stop.” Butts said in another message he promised he wouldn’t get the girl pregnant because he had been “fixed” in that way.


As AZ Family reported at the time, on March 17, he messaged the girl through the app that he was in Maricopa and near the girl’s home with one of her favorite drinks. Maricopa police arrested butts near the Cobblestone Farms subdivision off State Route 347 and Cobblestone Farms Drive. As he was taken into custody, Butts was found to have the specific drink the girl had previously mentioned, and the dating application was on Butt’s cellphone.


After he was arrested, Butts made a ridiculous claim, telling investigators that despite telling the girl he wanted to engage in sexual acts with her, and showing up at her house with alcohol, he was only doing it so he could tell the girl’s mother what her daughter was doing online. As his recent arrest illustrates, this was a lie.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.10590366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0436 >>0906

White Jewish professor who pretended to be black resigns from George Washington University. Now the school offers counseling to impacted students.


That's all, folks


Jessica Krug, a former professor at George Washington University, has resigned from her teaching position at the venerated Washington, D.C., college.


Krug came under fire last week after announcing in an essay published on Medium that she is not the black woman she has pretended to be — but a white, Jewish woman from suburban Kansas City.

What are the details?


According to NBC News, a spokesperson for the university announced that Krug submitted her resignation.


School officials initially placed Krug on suspension, and told her that if she did not resign, she would be fired.


A Wednesday email from Provost M. Brian Blake read, "Dr. Krug has resigned her position, effective immediately. Her classes for this semester will be taught by other faculty members, and students in those courses will receive additional information this week."


The outlet reported that the school was offering up "counseling services" for impacted students.

'I have built my life on a violent anti-black lie'


In the now-viral essay, Krug insisted she should be "cancelled" over her wrongdoing of pretending to embody "North African blackness," "U.S. rooted blackness," and "Caribbean rooted Bronx blackness."


Krug in her essay also said that "unaddressed mental health demons" were to blame for her behaviors.


"I have built my life on a violent anti-black lie," she admitted in the lengthy missive.

Professor 'raised questions about the veracity of her own research and teaching'


An initial response from the school read, "The members of the faculty of The George Washington University Department of History are shocked and appalled by Dr. Jessica Krug's admission on September 3, 2020 that she has lied about her identity for her entire career. With what she has termed her 'audaciously deceptive' appropriation of an Afro-Caribbean identity, she has betrayed the trust of countless current and former students, fellow scholars of Africana Studies, colleagues in our department and throughout the historical discipline, as well as community activists in New York City and beyond."


"The discipline of history is concerned with truth telling about the past," the statement continued. "With her conduct, Dr. Krug has raised questions about the veracity of her own research and teaching. Accordingly, the department calls upon Dr. Krug to resign from her position as associate professor of History at GW. Failing that, the department recommends the rescinding of her tenure and the termination of her appointment."

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.10590381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0400

Senate Democrats Block Coronavirus Stimulus Package


Democrats in the Senate voted to block the passage of a coronavirus stimulus package Thursday after months of stalled negotiations between Democrats and Republicans.


The vote was 52-47, and the measure needed 60 votes to pass. The $500 billion bill would include a federal unemployment benefit, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding and additional money for more coronavirus testing. If the bill was passed, money would have been directed to schools. Every Democrat voted against the stimulus package. The only Republican who voted against it was Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.


“Every Senate Democrat just voted against hundreds of billions of dollars of COVID-19 relief. They blocked money for schools, testing, vaccines, unemployment insurance, and the Paycheck Protection Program. Their goal is clear: No help for American families before the election,” McConnell said in a tweet after the vote.


Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate would be voting on the coronavirus stimulus Wednesday, saying “We have put together a new targeted proposal containing several of the most urgent and most popular policies that would help Americans right now. And tomorrow the whole Senate will vote on it,” on the Senate floor.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.10590390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1016

Canadian Flight Cancelled After Toddler Refused To Wear Face Mask


A WestJet flight from Calgary to Toronto was cancelled this week after a family was ejected from the flight for refusing to make their child, a toddler, wear a face mask.


Safwan Choudry and his family were removed from the flight on Tuesday after an argument broke out about whether or not the man’s 19-month-old toddler should be wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.


WestJet, meanwhile, has claimed that the man’s three-year-old daughter, who was also on the flight, was the one who was not wearing a mask, broadcaster CBC reports.


Lauren Stewart, a spokeswoman for WestJet stated, “WestJet would like to clarify that there were two children, and we were not requiring the infant to wear a mask but did require the other child, who is over age two, to wear one.”


Earlier today my family endure the most horrific & dehumanizing treatment onboard @WestJet plane. My wife was threatening to be arrested & forcibly removed unless my daughters, 3 yrs & 19 months would wear a mask. While my 3yrs wore her mask, the 19 months old was hysterical.


— Safwan Choudhry (@SafwanChoudhry) September 9, 2020


Choudry, meanwhile, has claimed that WestJet staff demanded that both of his children wear masks and that his three-year-old was wearing one at the time.


“It started with my toddler and once we got a mask on her, they turned to my 19-month-old infant and said ‘every person on the plane has to wear a mask or the plane can’t take off,” he said.


“Of course, being desperate to get home, we — despite there not being such a policy — opted to comply until she was crying hysterically, with the crew watching over us, until she threw up, at which point they told us you all need to get off the plane,” he added.


Police then arrived on the scene a short time later and were caught on video speaking to passengers on the aircraft before they and the flight crew evacuated the aircraft.


You Could Be Arrested for Breaking New Coronavirus Rules, Says Boris


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 9, 2020


The incident comes after at least two incidents in August involving children refusing to wear facemasks on flights in the United States, with airline JetBlue forcing a woman and her six children from a flight because her two-year-old refused to wear a mask.


The UK has recently introduced strict measures as well, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his government banning groupings of more than six people and stating that those who violate the new rules could be arrested.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.10590395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

69 Pounds of Meth Seized at Texas Border Crossing


Customs and Border Protection officers assigned to a Texas crossing on September 5 seized 69 pounds of methamphetamine found in a passenger sedan attempting to enter from Mexico.


CBP officers assigned to the Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge observed a man driving a 2011 Dodge Avenger approaching from Mexico for entry into the United States. The officers referred the driver to a secondary inspection station where officers utilized a Non-Intrusive Imaging (NII) system to examine the interior of the vehicle, according to information obtained from CBP officials in the Rio Grande Valley.


The NII search resulted in the discovery of 59 packages of drugs hidden in the Avenger. The officers identified the drugs as being methamphetamine and determined the weight to be 69 pounds. Officials estimated the shipment to be worth $1,378,000.


“Our officers’ excellent inspection skills and observation techniques have allowed us to make this exceptional seizure,” Carlos Rodriguez, Port Director, Hidalgo/Pharr/Anzalduas said in a written statement. “Smugglers will utilize all kinds of methods in their attempts to bring drugs across the border and it’s up to us to keep up with those trends and help keep our communities safe.”


The officers seized the 69 pounds of methamphetamine and the vehicle. They also arrested the driver, a 25-year-old U.S. citizen and turned the case over to ICE Homeland Security Investigation special agents for further investigation and possible drug smuggling charges.


A few days earlier, CBP officers assigned to the Starr-Camargo International Bridge seized 33 pounds of cocaine in two incidents. The first happened on September 1 when a 38-year-old Mexican male attempted to enter the U.S. while driving a tractor-trailer. A search of the trailer led to the discovery of 12 pounds (30.73) pounds of cocaine.


In the second incident, CBP officers arrested a man driving a 2017 GMC Terrain as he attempted to enter the U.S. while carrying nearly five pounds of cocaine in the vehicle and nearly three pounds of methamphetamine on his person.


Officers estimated the value of these drugs to be approximately $324,000.


“Our officers have seized multiple several narcotics loads these past few days demonstrating their commitment to vigilance and to the service of their country,” said Port Director Imelda Recio, Rio Grande City Port of Entry.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.10590414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0447 >>0507 >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Delingpole: Boris Johnson Has Led a Fascist Coup Against the United Kingdom


Boris Johnson has led a fascist coup against the United Kingdom.


If that sounds like an exaggeration, just ask yourself how you’d have felt a year ago — or even six months ago — if you’d been told a British government was planning to institute a 10pm curfew, ban gatherings of more than six people, impose daily immunity tests before you were allowed to go about your business, employ Stasi-like volunteer ‘marshals’ to ensure public compliance and warning that it might even have to cancel Christmas?


Your first reaction would have been: “Impossible. This is the kind of thing that excitable foreigners engage in. Never the phlegmatic, rational British – and certainly, never, ever, EVER so long as there’s a Conservative government in power.”


Your second reaction would have been: “Oh, I get it. It’s a joke, right? You’re telling me the plotline of some new dystopian graphic novel on the lines of Watchmen currently being adapted for Amazon Prime or Netflix, yeah?”


I still can’t quite believe it myself.


Who exactly is that dishevelled oaf on the rostrum issuing all these fascistic ordinances?


Definitely no relation — apart from the dishevelled oaf part — to the shambolic but benign, witty, amiable freedom-loving figure we re-elected as prime minister in December last year.


Sure many of us may only have voted for Boris’s Conservatives faute de mieux — because, for all their flaws they were infinitely preferable to the alternative — a regime led by Jeremy Corbyn’s Marxists.


But there were at least grounds for hope at the time that Boris was on the side of prosperity, liberty and optimism.


Not any more. How massively he has betrayed all our hopes!

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.10590438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Dem Staffer Among Dozens Arrested In Portland Riot Marking 101 Days Of Unrest


A key Democratic staffer was among dozens arrested over the weekend in a series of protests-turned-riots marking the 101st day of unrest in Portland, Oregon, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

“The police arrested Kristina Narayan, who is legislative director for the top Democrat in Oregon’s House of Representatives, along with 58 others during a riot that began Saturday night and continued into Sunday morning, according to a Portland Police Bureau report,” the Free Beacon notes. “Narayan has worked for House Speaker Tina Kotek since 2016.”Kotek, according to her statements on social media, has been generally supportive of the ongoing protests in Portland, tweeting back on September 1st that the demonstrations were the result of ongoing “tensions.” She acknowledges that many of the protests have devolved into riots, but seems to blame “provocateurs” who “are looking for a fight and advancing a white supremacist ideology” for inciting destruction and violence in Portland’s downtown and residential neighborhoods.

She also says she believes in “holding individuals accountable” for destructive behavior. In her statement following the death of Aaron Danielson, a Trump-supporter and counter-protester shot by a self-described supporter of “Antifa,” she does suggest holding police officers accountable for “confrontational and violent crowd control tactics.”

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.10590452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0473 >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Bulk Cash Seizures Surge at U.S. Border in 2020


Throughout Fiscal Year 2020, Breitbart Texas extensively tracked the record-setting Mexican cartel methamphetamine and fentanyl seizures intended to reach into the U.S. One question that remains difficult to answer is the amount of illicit narcotics that were successfully smuggled. One benchmark for law enforcement agencies is seizure data of bulk currency normally traveling south.


According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 2019 assessment, drug sales account for tens of billions of dollars in illicit proceeds annually in the United States. The cash-intensive nature requires that all criminal groups involved in the supply lines use bulk cash smuggling. It remains one of the preferred methods to move and launder illicit proceeds.


By monitoring the drug seizures that go north and the bulk cash destined south, the CBP can track trend changes monthly and understand the level of success the Mexican cartels and independent groups are enjoying.


This is where analyzing CBP currency data in FY2020 indicate that sales of narcotics are skyrocketing. At ports of entry, CBP seized $93,302,645 — shattering records for the last five years.


The U.S. Border Patrol separately seized more than $8.7 million between ports of entry.


Inland Border Patrol checkpoints caught $2.1 million.


In FY2020, large bulk cash seizures spiked across all three areas of CBP enforcement efforts. Given the data, and with one month left in the fiscal year, these numbers will only increase.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.10590475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

'Disgusting and explicit': Leaked documents reveal DISTURBING new sex education curriculum


On Tuesday's radio program, Glenn Beck unveiled a series of leaked documents that show in shocking detail what schools throughout the country are putting into your children's textbooks: the first revision to the sex education curriculum in 25 years. The content of this new curriculum is so explicit that it must be blurred out to be shown to you, but has already been approved in many states for grades K-12.


"Our children are being targeted directly in the classroom. Comprehensive Sexuality Education is now being voted on in states all over the country. In some states, it's already signed into law. It will be in your child's textbooks. It is the most disgusting and explicit content I have ever seen. It is disturbing," Glenn stated.


"We are about to lose our children, and that threat is very real," he warned. "Big Tech is brainwashing them. Gaming is teaching them to kill … and then we send them to indoctrination camps, formerly known as public schools. And private schools. And charter schools. And Christian schools, that don't have the spine or the spiritual insight to see the evil that is in Marxism and BLM."

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11 a.m. No.10590502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0552 >>0715 >>0853 >>0878 >>0948

'It's really sick and dark': The left says PEDOPHILIA is a sexual orientation, should be protected under LGBT laws


California's controversial Senate Bill 145, which would reduce penalties for sexual relations with minors, passed both legislative houses last week and now sits on the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).



According to State Sen. Scott Wiener, who authored the bill, the current law discriminates against the LGBT community.


"Senate Bill 145 is an anti-discrimination law," Wiener told KXTV-TV. He went on to explain that SB 145 would eliminate automatic sex offender registration for adults who have anal or oral sex with a minor. Instead, a judge would make the decision. Also, SB 145 would only apply in cases involving minors between ages 14 and 17 and with an offender within a 10-year age range.


In this episode of "Wilkow," BlazeTV host Andrew Wilkow was joined by journalist Chadwick Moore, a former liberal who once wrote that admitting he was a gay man to his father, "a Republican and a farmer in Iowa," was easier than "coming out as a conservative" in New York.



Wilkow and Moore discussed the far left's push to normalize pedophilia and include sex offenders under the legal protections of the LGBT community.

"It's really sick and dark," Moore said. "These things are coming out in the activist circles and entering the mainstream narrative. […] You know, this is how the left always operates, with what's called the Overton window. They will put a really insane idea out there just to shift the frame of acceptable public discourse."


"They are masters at using language to change the narrative and change how people view the world," Moore went on to explain. He noted that pedophiles are now calling themselves "Minor Attracted Persons" or "MAPs" and arguing that pedophilia is merely a "sexual orientation" in an attempt to gain acceptance into the LGBT community.


"It's truly baffling and sick and no one will call them out," Moore said.

Watch the video below to catch more of the conversation:

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.10590536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0601 >>0635 >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Children’s program about 12-year-old ‘trans’ girl debuts on BBC to normalize drugging and mutilating kids


A new drama recently debuted on British state television for kids starring a transgender girl in an attempt to paint “her” in a sympathetic light and essentially encourage transgenderism among the youth.


The CBBC broadcast First Day last week as a coming-of-age story about a fictional 12-year-old transgender girl’s transition to secondary school. It had previously been broadcast on Australian TV. She is painted in a heroic light, with everyone who refuses to placate her mental illness depicted as monsters. Evie Macdonald is the 15-year-old transgender child actress being exploited for this role.


A clip from the program can be seen here:


Home / News / Children’s program about 12-year-old ‘trans’ girl debuts on BBC to normalize drugging and mutilating kids

Children’s program about 12-year-old ‘trans’ girl debuts on BBC to normalize drugging and mutilating kids

September 10, 2020 - News

A new drama recently debuted on British state television for kids starring a transgender girl in an attempt to paint “her” in a sympathetic light and essentially encourage transgenderism among the youth.


The CBBC broadcast First Day last week as a coming-of-age story about a fictional 12-year-old transgender girl’s transition to secondary school. It had previously been broadcast on Australian TV. She is painted in a heroic light, with everyone who refuses to placate her mental illness depicted as monsters. Evie Macdonald is the 15-year-old transgender child actress being exploited for this role.


A clip from the program can be seen here:


Concerned citizens on social media are enraged that the mass media is recruiting more children into this dangerous and depraved lifestyle.


“So @cbbc are launching a new show called #FirstDay about a trans girl starting her first day at secondary school. Firstly, INCREDIBLE… Secondly, that’s an RSE/PSHE resource found for my Year 6s!” a teacher with the handle @just_JoshyG wrote in a Tweet


“You are stoking the fire of the trans contagion by showing programmes like First Day. This is exactly why gender clinics are brimming with children. Put the brakes on it until you have done research,” user @Carriedenne1 wrote in a Tweet about the program.


Big League Politics has reported on how transgender children are brainwashed by their parents:


A 16-year-old Australian-American boy has come forward with a shocking story about how his mother attempted to force him to be transgender starting at the age of eight.


“I didn’t know who I was,” Lucas told Sausage Roll. His mother dressed him in girl’s clothes before school, which resulted in alienation and confusion within the poor lad. He explained the shocking story about how the LGBT abuse started in his life.


”My parents met online on some, now defunct, dating website. My father is an Australian labour worker and my mother was working as a waitress in Los Angeles, California, at the time,” Lucas wrote in an email.

“I grew up and went to school in Australia and everything was quite normal. I had a few friend and we’d hang out and play video-games or just mess around at the local part,” he added.


Lucas’ childhood was normal until his parents split up, which is when his mother without a strong patriarchal figure around to keep her in check started abusing her son by instilling transgender dogma into him. Lucas was forced to move to America, which alienated him, and his mother began forcing the gender transition upon him…


Lucas detailed the abuse he received as he was inducted into the satanic LGBT lifestyle by his own mother.


“She took me to a high-end club that was filled with men who were practically nude. They’d have stage shows where the guys would dance promiscuously and strip. A lot of these guys would always say nasty things to me and touch me inappropriately. I didn’t like it, I told my mum yet she didn’t care. She told me to ‘man up’, which I thought was very ironic,” he said.


She even attempted to pimp him out to LGBT predators who they met at these events. A man once approached Lucas’ mother and told her that he would “absolutely love to get to know Lucas a bit better.”


“My mother wanted me to go visit him… ALONE! She told me she’d already set up a date for the two us and said it would be fun. ‘It’s just two queens going shopping and having fun, Lucy. Don’t be such a baby,’ she said. I refused. I cried. I screamed,” Lucas said.


The deranged mother even tried to show Lucas pornographic movies as a way to warp his mind so he would accept her transgender push.

“She even showed me homoerotic films and told me that this was natural. Although it may be, it wasn’t for me. But still, I was old enough to realize what was going on. It made me feel sick,” he added.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.10590548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seattle shuts down park to prevent Christian prayer rally – while ignoring daily rioting carried out by Antifa and BLM


The city of Seattle has shut down a planned Christian prayer rally by the Christian group “Let us Worship,” even as they allow Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters to continue attacking law enforcement, harassing innocent residents and pillaging small and local businesses.


The event was organized by California-based pastor Sean Feucht, founder of Hold the Line, an organization whose goal is to get Christians and millennials alike to become more politically active by getting them registered to vote and educating them on certain relevant political issues.


Feucht has organized over a dozen prayer rallies across the country to protest against what he sees as unfair restrictions on the freedom of worship, including one other rally in Seattle in August.


Which is why he was very surprised when, on Friday, Sept. 4, the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department issued a notice that Gas Works Park in the Northlake neighborhood in Seattle was to be closed down on Labor Day, Sept. 7, “due to anticipated crowding that could impact the public health of residents.” This is where Feucht and Hold the Line had planned to hold their worship session.


On Sept. 5, Feucht responded in a Facebook post by saying that, over the last eight weeks, his ministry has allowed local pastors in 19 different cities to hold 19 open-air rallies that provided Christians with a place where they can worship.


“The City of Seattle acknowledged that parks ‘provide critical physical and mental health supports to our community,’ and reiterated their policy guidelines for facilitating ‘First Amendment gatherings,’ but still chose to temporarily shut down the entire park rather than risk Christians gathering for an open-air worship service. This is the height of hypocrisy for the City of Seattle to turn a blind eye to riots, looting and Antifa, while refusing to let Christians gather in a public park to sing and worship. First the government shuts down churches. Now it’s shutting down parks to stop us from worshipping. Time to stand up church!”


The closure of the park began at 8 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 6, and will end on Tuesday at 6 a.m. Seattle Parks and Recreation did not say that Feucht’s event is what specifically made them close the park. They also said that Gas Works’ closure was done as a way of preventing the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).


A Facebook event page made by Hold the Line for the prayer rally at Gas Works Park said that the demonstration was scheduled for 6 p.m. on September 7, and more than 500 people said that they were going, with another 2,000 saying that they were interested in attending.

Feucht says refusal to allow rally a sign of anti-Christian discrimination

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.10590585   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.10590604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0715 >>0853 >>0948

Fort Bragg Paratrooper Dies During Airborne Training


An Army paratrooper has died while conducting training operations at Fort Stewart, Georgia, the Army announced Thursday.


The accident took place around 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Lt. Col. Mike Burns, spokesman for the 82nd Airborne Division out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, told The paratrooper, who has not been identified, was assigned to the 82nd's 3rd Brigade Combat Team.


Burns did not immediately have additional information on the circumstances of the accident or the status of training. The incident is currently under investigation.


In July, six U.S. paratroopers from Fort Bragg were hurt during training in Grafenwoehr, Germany after drifting off-course during a jump. Three were hospitalized, although all were expected to recover.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.10590640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

Pelosi: Climate change will be 'early part' of Democrats' 2021 agenda


As wildfires rage across California and the West, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday pledged that major climate change legislation would be an “early part” of Democrats’ 2021 agenda if her party wins back the White House this fall.


“So when Joe Biden says, ‘Build back better,’ that better includes building back in a way that is resilient, that is green, that protects the planet,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. “So I don’t know if it’s one bill or it permeates a number of bills, but it is absolutely a priority.”


Pelosi specifically singled out the Climate Action Now legislation, passed by the House in May, which would recommit the U.S. to the Paris Agreement on climate change. She pointed to the Democrats’ “Moving Forward” green infrastructure package, which would require states to account for climate change before undertaking projects and meet certain greenhouse gas emission goals when they accept funding.


Pelosi also highlighted a report by the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis that Democrats and scientists see as a “road map” for fighting climate change.


The Speaker’s remarks come as wildfires in the West have killed at least seven people, destroyed thousands of homes and scorched more than 2 million acres. A day earlier, Pelosi’s congressional district in San Francisco was blanketed with thick smoke from the fires, blocking out the sun and producing an eerie, surreal landscape that glowed orange.


Pelosi said her phone has been ringing off the hook as family and constituents from the Bay Area reach out to her about the conditions.


“It’s a terrible moment for us in California. … Wildfire ash is blanketing all of the areas beyond where the fire is, in the Bay Area, turning the skies to orange,” Pelosi said. "It's dark; it's dark there. It's morning and they're waiting for the sun to come up and it's dark all day. They need … to drive with their headlights on."


The first thing Democrats will do if they control all levers of power in January, Pelosi said, is pass major coronavirus relief legislation to help safely “open up our schools and our economy.” That would be the No. 1 priority for Democrats, she said.


“A pandemic descends upon you and eclipses everything,” she said. “Preserving the planet for future generations is the challenge to this generation. We’re late. America is not a leader in this [with] the Republican presidents,” Pelosi said.


“President Obama did a great job in Paris with the Paris accords. Of course, President Trump defied science, [has a] contempt for science, walked away from that.”


In recent weeks, Democrats — hopeful they can retain control of the House and take back the White House and Senate — have been debating what issues they should tackle first in 2021, whether it’s immigration reform, health care, gun control or climate change.


But on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) also turned his attention to the fires wreaking havoc in the West as he rolled out Senate Democrats’ "Thrive" plan on climate change, racial justice and the economy.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.10590653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0659 >>0665 >>0735 >>0793

UNTOUCHABLE: James Comey Walks Away Free & Clear from Durham, Barr Probe of FBI Spying on Trump


For people thinking — or have been mislead to think — that former and fired FBI director James Comey will be wearing handcuffs for his role in the FBI’s spying on President Trump and his presidential campaign — think again. Listen Above


Thomas Paine details that Comey is the latest top official to earn a get-out-of-jail-free card from U.S. Attorney General William Barr and Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham. The revelations are troubling per details on the Thomas Paine Podcast.


Paine broke the national story just three weeks ago, detailing how President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden have been protected by Barr and Durham. The new Intel on Comey’s legal triumph is perhaps even more disturbing.


This story is developing.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.10590673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congress probing sale of ambassador’s residence in Israel to Adelson


House Democrats demand to know how much rent will be paid by US taxpayers while Friedman remains there, and whether broker was used and independent property appraisal was conducted


WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawmakers in the House and Senate are looking into whether the sale of the US ambassador’s official residence in Israel to Republican super-donor Sheldon Adelson complied with regulations, a congressional aide said Wednesday.


The US Embassy in Israel announced the deal this week — a sale that is meant to cement President Donald Trump’s controversial move of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But the embassy refused to identify the buyer or disclose the sale price of the sprawling beachfront compound in the upscale Tel Aviv suburb of Herzliya.


The State Department informally confirmed to Congress that Adelson is the buyer, the congressional aide told The Associated Press.


The Trump administration appears to have been in a rush to sell the property ahead of the November presidential election, both as a gesture to Trump’s pro-Israel evangelical Christian base, and to complicate any attempts to move the embassy back to Tel Aviv if he is not re-elected.


The Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has called the Trump administration’s decision to move the embassy “short-sighted and frivolous,” but he has said he would not move it back to Tel Aviv if elected president in November.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.10590692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

Attorney General William P. Barr and DEA Acting Administrator Timothy J. Shea Announce Results of Operation Crystal Shield

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.10590703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

ICE, Brazil Federal Police arrest alleged leader of major human smuggling organization


WASHINGTON – The alleged leader of a major human smuggling organization that had smuggled individuals from the Middle East (primarily Iran) into South America, the United States, Canada and Europe was arrested Friday. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) provided significant assistance to the Brazil Federal Police to arrest Reza Sahami, a dual citizen of Canada and Iran, on human smuggling charges.


Law enforcement encountered Sahami guiding a group of seven Iranian nationals in the city of Assis Brasil, on the border of Brazil and Peru. All seven Iranians possessed fraudulent or altered passports from Israel, Denmark and Canada.

“Sahami has been smuggling criminals across international borders for over 10 years,” said ICE Attaché for Brazil Bolivia Robert Fuentes. “We are grateful to our Brazilian partners for the unwavering efforts not only in this investigation, but in our overall strong partnership in combating transnational criminal organizations. ICE Homeland Security Investigations is committed to disrupting human smuggling networks who undermine our immigration and put countless individuals at risk while doing so.”


Special agents with ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in Brazil led coordination provided by U.S authorities to the Brazilian government. Additional participating agencies included HSI in Lima (Peru) and the Interpol National Central Bureau in Brazil. HSI Brazil collaborated the efforts of HSI Lima as they worked closely with the HSI Human Smuggling Unit, the HSI Liaison to the U.S. Special Operations Command/Biometric Identification Transnational Migration Alert Program, the National Targeting Center – Investigations, and the National Targeting Center Counter Network Division to support the investigation.


HSI Brazil is part of HSI’s International Operations Division and is the Department of Homeland Security’s largest investigative presence overseas. Division personnel serve as liaisons to governments and law enforcement agencies across the globe and work side-by-side with foreign law enforcement on HSI investigations. ICE is the lead U.S. law enforcement agency responsible for fighting human smuggling and human trafficking.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.10590712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

Russian Project Lakhta Member Charged with Wire Fraud Conspiracy

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.10590727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

White House reportedly eyeing more executive actions as hopes for coronavirus relief deal fade


The Trump administration could address airline layoffs, extend federal unemployment aid


The White House is reportedly considering issuing a new round of executive actions amid dwindling hopes for a bipartisan coronavirus relief deal.


Trump administration officials have discussed efforts to unilaterally provide support for the beleaguered airline industry and bolster federal unemployment benefits, according to The Washington Post, citing two people aware of the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


The administration has also weighed moving without Congress on allocating more money for school vouchers, and changing President Trump's temporary payroll tax deferral to make it more effective, the Post reported.


The Constitution gives Congress, not the president, the authority to determine federal spending.


At the beginning of August, Trump circumvented Congress deadlocked over another round of emergency relief and signed four executive actions to partially restore unemployment benefits at $300 a week and defer payroll tax payments through the end of the year for workers earning less than $104,000, discourage evictions and defer student loan payments.


Although lawmakers joined forces in March to pass a massive $2.2 trillion stimulus deal by near-unanimity, negotiations on another aid package collapsed at the beginning of August. There have been no signs of detente since then, with both sides accusing the other of playing politics.


“Democrats just point fingers, call names and keep blocking American families from getting any more help before the November election,” Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Wednesday on the Senate floor.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.10590737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0775 >>0853 >>0948

Trump Admin Helms Effort to Crush Chinese Tech Companies


State Department to combat Chinese tech dominance


The Trump administration is locked in an effort to divest from Chinese technology firms and push its allies to do the same, according to the senior administration official leading what he described as an unprecedented effort to combat China’s dominance in the tech space.


Concerns are mounting in Washington, D.C., over China’s proliferation of key technologies that permit it to spy on citizens across the globe, including in the United States. From social media applications such as TikTok to Beijing’s 5G efforts with Huawei, Chinese technology has stormed the globe, providing a cheaper alternative to services provided by Western companies. Yet these savings come with risks, Keith Krach, the State Department’s undersecretary of state for economic growth, energy, and the environment, told the Washington Free Beacon. Krach is the principal point man in the administration’s multi-pronged effort to challenge China on the tech front.


"The CCP is a bully. We know when bullies are confronted, they back down," Krach said. "They really back down when you confront them, and you have all your friends by your side."


Krach and other senior U.S. officials have gone on the offensive, pressing allies to cut ties with Chinese companies that do work in the cellular, cloud computing, cable, and wireless sectors. The Trump administration says the choice is clear: Side with America and the West or face the fallout of partnering with a communist country that has no qualms about stealing private data.


China’s dominance in the tech sphere is in large part the result of its decades-long espionage operations, which have targeted American and European businesses working on cutting-edge internet services, medical research, and other types of computing innovations. Beijing’s theft of intellectual property ranks among the worst in the world. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo chose Krach to helm this campaign, which centers on exposing China’s unfair business practices and reliance on cyber espionage. This approach marks a significant departure from past administrations that sought to play nice with China.


The administration’s new approach centers on building a coalition of allies committed to icing China out of their tech sectors. Portions of this effort have unfolded in public, particularly the recent row between the United States and United Kingdom over its flirtation with Huawei, China’s 5G powerhouse. The United States exerted great diplomatic pressure to extract guarantees from Britain that it would ban Huawei from operating the country’s next-generation 5G cellular networks. This battle continues to unfold across the globe with a host of countries and private companies.


"[China has] been in economic war with us for 40 years," Krach said. "They play four-dimensional economic, diplomatic, propaganda, and military chess."

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.10590765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Larry Mizel and the ADL HUD Fraud


HUD Fraud


A major segment of the HUD fraud was centered in the Denver area and committed by a group of closely related people and companies, who had close ties to the Reagan and Bush administrations. Numerous HUD officials left government to work for the Denver group that defrauded the American people of billions of dollars, much of which is hidden away in either offshore financial institutions or in secret locations throughout the United States. Philip Winn was one of the kingpins in the Denver group. He was a former HUD Assistant Secretary who joined the MDC group in Denver and became a key player in the HUD and savings and loan scandals.


Numerous HUD officials left government service and received high paying jobs with an interrelated group in Denver. This group included, among others: MDC Holdings; Richmond Homes; Silverado Bank Savings & Loan; Aurora Bank; M & L Business Machines; Leonard Millman; Larry Mizel; David Mandarich (president of MDC Holdings); Ken Good; Bill Walters; Neil Bush; Silverado’s President Michael Wise; James Metz, major stockholder in Silverado; and dozens of subsidiaries and related companies, limited partnerships, trusts.


It was learned that Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, and Philip Winn, all members of the ADL, were partners in these schemes, as was Philip Abrams, former HUD under-secretaries.


Federal regulators involved in the HUD scam included HUD Secretary Samuel Pierce, former Assistant Secretary Thomas Demery; Deborah Gore Dean and Lance Wilson, former executive assistants to Pierce. All except Pierce have been indicted. A number of former HUD officials pleaded guilty to various federal crimes. Dean, an executive assistant to the Reagan Administration’s Housing Secretary, was indicted on 13 criminal charges of fraud, perjury, submitting false statements to Congress, and conspiring to steer valuable housing grants to favored developers and consultants.


The network made huge financial contributions to various politicians, including the Reagan-Bush team and the Bill Clinton group. One of the key participants in the fraud, Philip Winn, used part of the money looted from the HUD and savings and loan programs to bribe politicians, especially in the Reagan-Bush presidencies. In return, Winn was appointed U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and got the protection of the Justice Department through U.S. Attorney Michael Norton, who had secret participation in several of the Denver area real estate projects.


Justice Department officials, with thousands of investigators throughout the United States, knew of the corruption and did very little. What little they did was usually to prosecute either innocent people or those who played a minor role in the massive criminality. Lawyers, developers, banks, members of the Senate and House were the recipients of the money defrauded from HUD. Consultants, for instance, with political connections, reaped huge fees of as much as $400,000 for a few phone calls or visits to HUD officials or phone calls to powerful members of Congress.

Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.10590781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0797

Larry Mizel and the Jewish Lobby


Republican Jewish Coalition


Larry is the Director of The Republican Jewish Coalition. The RJC Is "a big money pro-Israel lobby group linking Jewish-American neoconservatives to the Christian Right and Israel's Likud government. The organisation was originally founded in 1985 by Max Fisher (Mega Jew) as the National Jewish Coalition "to be a permanent Jewish presence in the Republican community and a credible Republican presence in the Jewish community," its website states. The RJC is "the sole voice of Jewish Republicans to Republican decision makers and the Jewish community. The group are committed to building a strong, effective and respected Jewish Republican voice in Washington and across the country." So essentially the RJC was set up by wealthy Jewish Republican donors to control the views, opinions and narratives of Jewish Republicans across the entire United States from the top down consolidating the power of the Jewish lobby.


“The group has supported a hard-line approach to negotiating an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, criticising President Clinton for "appeasing Chairman Arafat" instead of requiring "responsibility and compliance from the Palestinian Authority." Allied with Israel's Likud government, the group supported the construction of the controversial Har Homa settlement in East Jerusalem, over Palestinian objections that the project jeopardised the peace process. It also supports continued American military support of Israel, including the Iron Dome and David's Sling an anti-ballistic missile system projects. On the domestic front, the RJC supports school choice and voucher initiatives (which Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is in the process of implementing in the Trump administration.), saying they help curb the "risk of assimilation" for some Jews living in the United States. "By lessening the financial burdens, vouchers would make a Jewish education available to the entire Jewish community," reads one position paper. The group has supported welfare reform, lowering the estate and capital gains taxes, voluntary prayer by student groups in public school, the legal right to perform abortions, as well as tougher crime laws, including a California-style "three strikes" laws for some federal crimes.”.


'Thrilled' with Trump


The chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition said its members are “thrilled” about the performance of President Donald Trump, especially with his approach to the Middle East.

“I think they’re feeling thrilled,” said former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman in an interview at the annual RJC leadership conference held at the Sheldon Adelson owned Venetian/Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas.

Venetian/Palazzo HotelRead more:… in Las Vegas. “If you look at the change of what has happened with Israel, in terms of moving the capital to Jerusalem, the tough approach to Iran, holding the U.N. finally accountable … I think there’s a great deal of enthusiasm in the center-right, pro-Israel community about President Trump.”

The chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition said its members are “thrilled” about the performance of President Donald Trump, especially with his approach to the Middle East.

“I think they’re feeling thrilled,” said former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman in an interview with McClatchy at the weekend’s annual RJC leadership conference in Las Vegas. “If you look at the change of what has happened with Israel, in terms of moving the capital to Jerusalem, the tough approach to Iran, holding the U.N. finally accountable … I think there’s a great deal of enthusiasm in the center-right, pro-Israel community about President Trump.”

Read more:…

The chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition said its members are “thrilled” about the performance of President Donald Trump, especially with his approach to the Middle East.

“I think they’re feeling thrilled,” said former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman in an interview with McClatchy at the weekend’s annual RJC leadership conference in Las Vegas. “If you look at the change of what has happened with Israel, in terms of moving the capital to Jerusalem, the tough approach to Iran, holding the U.N. finally accountable … I think there’s a great deal of enthusiasm in the center-right, pro-Israel community about President Trump.”

Read more:…



Anonymous ID: f3f1ac Sept. 10, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.10590797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0823



Mizel is one of the early supporters of the Simon Wiesenthal Center since it's founding in 1977. Serving as the international chairman of the board of trustees since 2003, Mizel has helped spearhead the direction of the SWC. Major focus has been put on anti-German and anti-European propaganda. This is all part of the ever prevalent indoctrination of 'White Guilt' brainwashing agenda. This serves multiple purposes for the Jewish lobby of which Mizel is a key player of. One purpose is the attempt to associate people who are exposing the criminality and corruption of the Jewish lobby with this racist caricature of a 'Nazi' that SWC have been instrumental in creating through propaganda and hysteria.


Another purpose is to hide historic crimes that Jewish people have been responsible for such as the Holodomor, Bolshevik Revolution and prominent involvement in the many different slave trades around the world. There are also many other purposes as it pertains to Jewish culture as well.


Rabbi Marvin Hier


The SWC is headed by Rabbi Marvin Hier, its Dean and Founder financed by Larry Mizel. The two are close friends. Hier works as a front man and public figure for Mizel's and other wealthy Zionists, pushing their causes and moving forward their overall agenda.

