Anonymous ID: 2f6ac6 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:43 p.m. No.10593454   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3502 >>3546 >>3605 >>3640 >>3759

>>10593331 pb



1997 - CFR & Trilateral Comm member Zbigniew Brzezinski publishes a book urging the US to control the world's natural resources to maintain global domination despite public's uneasiness about US projecting external power and cautions it will become more difficult to get consensus on foreign policy with an increasingly diverse US society unless public perceives a massive direct external threat. (Brzezinski: 'Grand Chessboard') Sept 14 - Council on Foreign Relation member Gary Hart says 9/11 attacks is chance for Bush to carry out a "new world order." (CFR)


Sept 10 - Donald Rumsfeld announces Pentagon has lost track of $2.3 trillion (CBS, DoD), attacks came near end of fiscal year & important budget information was located in the damaged area (Arlington County), large number of fatalities at Pentagon were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. (Pitt Post-Gazette)


Oct '01 - Only 1 1/2 months after 9/11, the 342 page USA PATRIOT ACT is signed into law. (White House)


Oct '01 - Hundreds of gold bars that was stored under WTC 4 are discovered in a delivery tunnel under WTC 5 that was being transported on the morning of 9/11 by a 10-wheel truck that was crushed along with several other cars by debris, yet no bodies were recovered. (NY Daily News, Times Online)


WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein seeks $7.2 billion in insurance, double his coverage, claiming the attacks count as two separate events. (Insurance Journal) June '02 - Silverstein receives $861 million settlement for WTC 7, debt on it is only $383 million (Insurance Journal), May '04 - Silverstein awarded single payout of $3.5 billion for WTC (CNN), Dec '04 - Silverstein wins extra $1.1 billion from court ruling saying attacks constituted 'two separate events'. (USA Today) The new WTC is projected to cost between $9-12 billion with $5 billion coming from government sources. (MSNBC, NYSCPA)


Bush administration has taken away multiple rights of the people since 9/11. (Newsday) U.S. ranks 17th in press freedoms largely due to 9/11. (CNS)


Nov '02 - Dept of Homeland Security is created to lead the fight against domestic terrorism. (CBS)


Poll Cites GOP Gains Since 9/11 (Washington Post), Gov't terrorist warnings boost Bush's approval ratings. (Cornell U) '9/11 effect' won Bush votes on Democratic turf near Ground Zero. (New York Post)


Military budget increase:


Sept '00 - PNAC calls to increase US defense budget, but says won't happen absent a catastrophic event like a "new Pearl Harbor." (ABC, PNAC)


Sept 5, '01 - Rumsfeld asks Senate to approve new '02 defense budget which has largest spending increase since the mid 80's. (DoD)


FY 2002 budget request is a $37.8 billion, or 11.5% increase from '01 request. (DoD)


FY 2003 budget request is a $40.1 billion, or 10.9% increase from '02 request. (DoD)


Afghanistan, opium, pipeline


July '01 - US plans to invade Afghanistan by Oct '01 (BBC, Guardian), Sept 4 - White House approves plan to invade Afghanistan (CBS, USA Today), Sept 10 - Plan awaits Bush's approval (MSNBC), Oct '01 - US invades Afghanistan. (DoD) War in Afghanistan would have been politically impossible pre-9/11. (USA Today)


July '00 - Taliban bans cultivation of opium poppies in Afghanistan (BBC), Mar '05, Afghanistan opium production surges. (USA Today)


Afghanistan has huge strategic importance for the west as a corridor to the untapped fuel reserves in central Asia. (Guardian)

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9/11 was the "Reichstag Fire" of USA Nazi?

Anonymous ID: 2f6ac6 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.10593502   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3546 >>3605 >>3640 >>3759


MOTIVES continued


July '01 - US plans to invade Afghanistan by Oct '01 (BBC, Guardian), Sept 4 - White House approves plan to invade Afghanistan (CBS, USA Today), Sept 10 - Plan awaits Bush's approval (MSNBC), Oct '01 - US invades Afghanistan. (DoD) War in Afghanistan would have been politically impossible pre-9/11. (USA Today)


July '00 - Taliban bans cultivation of opium poppies in Afghanistan (BBC), Mar '05, Afghanistan opium production surges. (USA Today)


Afghanistan has huge strategic importance for the west as a corridor to the untapped fuel reserves in central Asia. (Guardian)


1997 - Taleban are in Texas for talks with Unocal about an Afghan pipeline. (BBC)


Feb '98, Unocal rep testifies before congress that an Afghan pipeline can't happen without a single stable Afghan gov't and asks the US to use it's influence to end conflicts there. (US House of Reps)


Aug '98 - Unocal suspends Afghan pipeline activities because of deteriorating political conditions there. (Unocal)


Dec '98 - Unocal drops out of Afghan pipeline consortium. (Unocal)


1999 - US paid entire annual salary of Taliban gov't in hopes to secure a stable Afghan gov't to allow US companies to build a pipeline there to connect to the Caspian Sea. (SF Chronicle)


May '01, US gives $43 million to Afghanistan and becomes their largest donor two years in a row. (CNN)


Some say current military campaign in Afghanistan has hidden objective - revive gas pipeline and open the way for U.S. companies to build further facilities to carry central Asian oil. (BCC)


Dec '02 - Afghan gas pipeline deal signed. (BBC, SF Chronicle)


May '05 - Afghan pipeline draws closer to reality, Afghan President said project was a 'top priority.' (Christian Science Monitor)


Iraq, oil


1998 - PNAC calls for a war in Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein who they say threatens Israel and the world's oil supply. (ABC, PNAC)


Jan '01 - Bush had pre-9/11 Iraq war plan according to Treasury Dept memo. (CNN)


Bush made plans for ousting Saddam and for Iraq's oil before 9/11. (BBC)


9/11 - Barely 5 hrs after the Pentagon crash, Rumsfeld begins strike plans against Iraq. (CBS)


Feb '02 - Bush admin was warned statements that Iraq trained Al Qaeda in weapon making was fabricated, yet they would later use same statements as foundation for military action in Iraq. (NY Times, AFP)


White House officials say privately 9/11 was main reason for war in Iraq (ABC)

, Bush says US is in Iraq because of 9/11. (CNN, White House)


Jan '03 - Memo reveals Bush was determined to invade Iraq despite UN backing and discusses ways to provoke Saddam into a confrontation. (NY Times, BBC)


Sept '03 - Poll later finds 70% Americans believe Saddam-9/11 link. (USA Today)


Downing Street Memo warned Saddam not a threat and US fixed intel around their war policy. (London Times)


9/11 Panel says no evidence connecting Iraq to Al Qaeda. (Washington Post)


Oct '04 - CIA report later concludes no WMD's in Iraq as Bush used to help justify war. (CNN, BBC)


Dec '04 - Ex-CIA agent says he was sacked for not faking Iraq WMD reports. (Washington Times)

Anonymous ID: 2f6ac6 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.10593546   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3605 >>3640 >>3759





Of the 18 PNAC members who urged Clinton to remove Saddam in '98, 10 will be in the new Bush administration such as Dick Cheney, Zalmay Khalilzad, Lewis Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. (ABC, PNAC)


PNAC member Vice President Dick Cheney was former Defense Secretary under the Bush Sr. Administration (DoD) and former CEO of Halliburton. (CNN) Cheney is still being paid by Halliburton (Guardian) and his stock options with them rose 3,281% in '04. (Raw Story) Halliburton was a large donor to Bush/Cheney campaign, is the top Iraq war contract recipient (Newsday), was awarded no-bid contracts by the Pentagon (CBS) and announced a 2005 second quarter 284% profit increase. (Halliburton)


May '01 - PNAC member Dov Zakheim sworn in as the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and CFO for Defense Dept and was former VP of a defense contractor which makes remote control and flight termination products. (DoD, SPC)


Sept 4 - Robert Mueller, who oversaw the 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing case and the 1991 BCCI banking scandal, becomes director of the FBI. (FBI, BBC)


Sept 6 - large put options placed on United, American Airlines, Boeing and some purchases made through bank which used to be headed by Exec. CIA Director Buzzy Krongard. (SF Chronicle)


Sept 10 - 'Rumsfeld's Rules' are revised to include the rule, 'America ain't what's wrong with the world.' (Daily Kos, DoD)


Sept 10 - Former Pres. and ex-CIA dir. Bush Sr. met with Osama's brother at Carlyle Group meeting in DC. (Washington Post), is at the White House morning of attacks. (CBS)


9/11 - The official bin Ladin family's website domain expires. (Yahoo, Philly City Paper)


9/11 - Sen. Graham, Rep. Goss, and other US Intel committee members have meeting in the morning with Paki ISI director who had authorized $100,000 wire transfer to Atta. (Wall St Journal, Washington Post)


9/11 - An elite Israeli military commando who understands Arabic is seated near all hijackers on Flight 11. (WorldNetDaily)


9/11 - Bush proceeds with scheduled reading event after Rice tells him a commercial plane hit the WTC. (9/11 Panel)


9/11 - Chief of Staff Card whispers to Bush about 2nd WTC crash and says 'America is under attack' and immediately leaves without seeing if Bush would respond. (Boston Herald)


9/11 - After being told of attacks, Bush picks up book and reads with kids for 11 mins and after finishing, takes a few questions from kids before leaving. (FOX, St Petersburg Times)


9/11 - Bush gives speech at school exactly the same time he was scheduled to make speech there day before. (Federal News Service)


9/11 - Solicitor Gen. Ted Olsonwho has admitted the US gov't lies and helped stopped FL recount that sealed '00 Bush winclaims wife Barbara called him collect from Flight 77 twice and is sole source that hijackers used box cutters. (9/11 Panel, MSNBC, USA Today)


9/11 - 5 Israeli spies film the WTC before the attack then were seen celebrating afterward on top their white van with towers burning in the background and later were arrested and found with boxcutters, multiple foreign passports, maps linking them to the attack, explosives detected, large amount of cash, and FBI seized and developed their photos which one showed the driver flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture. (FOX, ABC, The Forward, Bergen Record, Globe & Mail)


9/11 - Bush is never evacuated by Secret Service from School. (Globe & Mail)


Air Force Gen. Myers claims was never informed 2nd WTC crash and only became aware of it about same time Pentagon hit. (DoD)


9/11 - Former Israeli PM Netanyahu is asked what 9/11 attacks meant Israeli/US relations and he replies "It's very good." (NY Times) July '05 - Benjamin Netanyahu was near the London blasts. (USA Today)


Sept 13 - Bush Admin allows Bin Laden family and top Saudi officials to evacuated from US before general public flight restrictions were lifted. (NY Times, Tampa Tribune)


Oct '01 - Donald Rumsfeld says in a magazine interview that Pentagon was hit by a 'missile.' (DoD)


Bush twice says he saw WTC plane crash live on TV at Booker Elementary (Boston Herald, White House|2

), 1st crash happened at 8:46 am (9/11 Panel), Bush arrived at school at 8:52 am. (ABC)


Bush refers to 9/11 as 'an interesting day' (White House), says 2001 was a 'fabulous year' for Laura and he. (White House)


March '04 - Madrid bombings happen exactly 911 days after 9/11. (News 24,

Anonymous ID: 2f6ac6 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:51 p.m. No.10593605   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3640 >>3759






Osama had ties to the CIA (MSNBC), July '01 - OBL wanted by US since '98, undergoes medical treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai and is met by the local CIA chief (Guardian), Sept 10 - OBL undergoes kidney dialysis at Pakistani military hospital in which a "secret team" replaces regular urology staff. (CBS), FBI's 'Most Wanted List' does not mention OBL is wanted for 9/11 because they have 'no hard evidence' connecting him to the attacks. (Muckraker, Milli Gazette, FBI)


Five of the alleged 9/11 hijackers receive training at secure US military bases. (MSNBC)


CIA had tracked two of the alleged Flight 77 hijackers. (BBC)


The five alleged Flight 77 hijackers lived in a motel right outside the gates of the NSA. (BBC)


July '01 - Alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed receives a US visa despite authorities chasing him since 1994 and a 1996 terrorist indictment (ABC, LA Times), Oct '04 - KSM 'missing' in US custody. (SJ Mercury)


CIA says 1st WTC plane crash was an attack and Dir. Tenet blames OBL for attacks even before 2nd plane crashes (ABC) and the US is claiming Osama bin Laden is behind the attacks before the day is over. (ABC, The Post)


Taliban rulers condemn attacks and says Bin Laden didn't have the means to carry out such well-orchestrated attacks (TCM News), Sept 16 - OBL denies 9/11 involvement in press release (Guardian), Sept 28 - OBL denies 9/11 involvement in 'Ummat' Paki newspaper, suggests Jews or US secret services behind attacks (Khilafah), Nov 7 - OBL denies 9/11 involvement in 'The Dawn' Paki newspaper (Islam Online),


Sept 13 - Airplane passenger lists from all four hijacked planes list no Arab names. (Guardian - 11, 175, 77, 93)


7 of alleged 19 hijackers are reported alive, FBI Director admits some identities are in doubt. (BBC, LA Times)


Hijacker remains from Flight 77, 93 hijackers were identified at same military base and by a 'process of elimination.' (CBS)


Secret FBI report doubts Al Qaeda can stage another 9/11-type attack and says it knows of no sleeper cells in US. (ABC)


Mohammed Atta's father says Atta called him on Sept 12. (Guardian, PittsburgLive)

Anonymous ID: 2f6ac6 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.10593640   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3759







Sept 9 - Alleged Flight 175 hijacker pilot Marwan Al-Shehhi reportedly leaves behind Boeing 757 manuals, east coast flight maps, an airplane fuel tester, and a protractor in his hotel room. (Augusta Chronicle), Flight 175 was a Boeing 767. (9/11 Commission)


Sept 10 - Flight 93 hijacker Ziad Jarrah reportedly sends farewell letter and flight training documents to girlfriend of 5 years in Germany, but allegedly wrote address wrong and letter comes back and is passed to FBI; relatives say letter was fabricated to frame him. (BBC)


Sept 10 - Atta and two Arab men allegedly spew anti-American sentiments and leave a Quran and business card behind. (USA Today)


9/11 - Alleged Flight 11 hijackers Atta and Al-Omari caught on Portland, ME airport security video (ABC-AU, USA Today), Father says it's not Atta on security video. (PittsburgLive)


9/11 - Atta was only passenger among 81 people aboard Flight 11 whose luggage didn't make the flight and where found with incriminated evidence. (USA Today, WorldNetDaily)


9/11 - Press reports a group with 'Palestine' in the name claimed responsibility for attacks (CNN video), caught Israeli spy who was filming WTC burning says 'We are not your problem, Palestinians are the problem' (ABC), video shows Palestinians rejoicing over news of attacks, but later is shown to be staged (LA Times, Der Spiegel) '02 - Palestinian says Mossad sought to induce him to set up fake al Qaeda cell in Gaza and declare responsibility for various bombings. (Arabia Online)


Sept 13 - Student ID card of Flight 77 hijacker Majed Moqed reportedly found at Pentagon, still able to read name on it. (9/11 Panel)


Sept 17 - Passport is found belonging to alleged hijacker who's plane crashed into WTC. (CNN)


Sept 28 - FBI claims to find Arabic written letter in Atta's suitcase and additional copies at Flight 93 crash site and in car registered to Flight 77 hijacker at Dulles parking lot. (FBI, PBS)


Dec '01 - Pentagon releases poor quality video showing 'OBL' bragging about attacks and wearing a gold ring and watch which are forbidden in Islam, Bush Admin uses this video to vindicate US invading Afghan. (USA Today)

, Dec '01 - Osama bin Laden reportedly died. (FOX, NY Times), Oct '04 - Video of supposedly OBL admitting to attacks is released 4 days before election and gives Bush a boost in polls (ABC, NY Daily News)


Many investigators believe that some of the evidence allegedly left behind by the hijackers was 'meant to be found' and whatever trail was left was 'left deliberately for the FBI to chase.' (New Yorker)

Anonymous ID: 2f6ac6 Sept. 10, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.10593759   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun







Fundamentalist Muslims 'gone wild'


May '01 - Several alleged hijackers seen at Las Vegas Strip clubs (SF Chronicle), several also patronized Nardone's Go-Go Bar (Wall Street Journal) Flight 77 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi hang out at Cheetah's nude bar (LA Times), Sept 10 - Atta and two Arab men allegedly spend hundreds on drinks and lap dances at FL strip club the Pink Pony. (USA Today)


July-Aug - Alleged hijacker Majed Moqed seen in two stores in Maryland looking over adult videos and books (Newsday, MSNBC), Sept 10 - Alleged hijacker Hamza Alghamdi watches a porno in his hotel. (Wall Street Journal)


Sept 5 - Two or three of the alleged hijackers go gambling on a SunCruz Casino boat. (St Petersburg Times, USA Today)

  • Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi both seen 'wasted' at Florida bar called Shuckums.

Sept 9 - Alleged Flight 11 hijacker sleeps with a high-priced prostitute (Boston Herald), Sept 10 Four alleged hijackers spend the night looking for prostitutes in Boston. (Boston Globe)


Mainstream "popular" 9/11 truth taken over by people uninterested in truth; instead interested in corrupting the idea of truth?