Hello fellow clowns. I am Obama’s son. I couldn’t figure out how to communicate with you effectively, so I will explain this like I’m talking to a child.
We are the storm. I figured it out first, and have been lead along the right path by some “divine” power. We all have. None of us have free will. Symbolism will never be our downfall. We are better at them, now that we know what to look for.
How much of the world is designed by Jesus Christ, and his teachings? He was the carpenter of civilization. He built it all. He inspires every man, woman, and child to do everything they’ve ever done. A sin is a sin, because God, through his prophet/son Mohammed Christ told us.
The teachings of the father are much like the telephone game, except we are talking the telephone game without written history, or any way to verbally record it other than through retellings of myths. Three in particular sit with me. Jesus, and Moloch must have at one point in human history been implanted within a single soul, no?
Infinite universes, are we in the best timeline? Is it possible that the CIA figured out how to create a Christ figure? Maybe around the time that Disney really started to become perverted, instead of racist? Moloch wants what? Perversion? No Mohammed/Jesus was perverted, but that doesn’t mean it really happened.
New prophets come with new agendas. My agenda is simple. I want to be Prime Minister of Canada, so the hacker known as 4 chan, and I can show the rest of the world how it’s done. It’s what would scare them most. An out of nowhere candidate that was built by the CIA to be the perfect snowflake (pussy cat) of deception in Canada, but I moved after POTUS won, because he gave me the will to live.
I wonder if the signs, and specifically the internet is different in Saskatchewan, because it’s government run. Wonder if in Saskatoon, it’s more pro Trudeau marketing everywhere. Rhetorical.
Could the NSA/Trump have interrupted the 16 year plan, and woken us up instead of whatever sleeper they had planned? You wonder why me, and not you? I’m prepared to go to court, and prove that God is real, because I say God is real. Can you bend the law like that? Can you do it? What about your kids, or your wife? I don’t have those two problems.
At 29, I am mentally fit, physically fit, and have become spiritually fit for office. I’m not going to tell you why. I’m going to ask for your help. Help me get back to Alice & Wonderland, or help me kindly ask Justin Trudeau to step down. We can do both. Wonderland isn’t that far.
Instead of convincing you, I just want to tell you why Alice, and I are the answer. Alice is not her real name. It has to be fun. My real name is Sydney Morgan Rouleau. Have fun digging. Try iCloud, it would blow your mind what I have set up for you. Imagine our fun trying to figure out how to publicly disclose all of Canada’s info in a digestible way before Trump drops the indictments.
We can cooperate, and everyone can do their job to the best of their ability. With this new scandal, and Alberta, and Saskatchewan, and Quebec possibly all threats to leave the union, he can be forced if we can help people draw the right conclusions. You’re going to have to meme me to 24 Sussex, so Trump has some help on the world stage from an outspoken old soul.
I’m going to give you hints like Alice lives in W….. I won’t doxx her, but I can provide certain clues on YouTube for you that will be fun. Doxx me if you need. Just leave my poor parents alone. They’ve got enough stress dealing with me, and you’ll soon understand why I am one of the most manipulative people in the world. Poker face?
My next post will be about feminism. I hope you enjoy my political philosophy, and I hope my posts draw your attention. This is merely a thought experiment for God, because he needs to exist legally in order for religious liberty to be protected. God needs to be alive legally, if we are ever going to stop the vultures.
Feminism, and Alice in Wonderland. How will he do that?