Use your God given ability to think!!!
Thinking takes time
So take the time, do the research,FIND THE EVIDENCE
Because right guesses are not admissible in a court of law!
Only evidence counts
Use your God given ability to think!!!
Thinking takes time
So take the time, do the research,FIND THE EVIDENCE
Because right guesses are not admissible in a court of law!
Only evidence counts
Marked Up-Regulation of ACE2 in Hearts of Patients With Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Implications for SARS-CoV-2–Mediated COVID-19
To explore the transcriptomic differences between patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and controls.
Patients and Methods
RNA was extracted from cardiac tissue flash frozen at therapeutic surgical septal myectomy for 106 patients with HCM and 39 healthy donor hearts. Expression profiling of 37,846 genes was performed using the Illumina Human HT-12v3 Expression BeadChip. All patients with HCM were genotyped for pathogenic variants causing HCM. Technical validation was performed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and Western blot. This study was started on January 1, 1999, and final analysis was completed on April 20, 2020.
Overall, 22% of the transcriptome (8443 of 37,846 genes) was expressed differentially between HCM and control tissues. Analysis by genotype revealed that gene expression changes were similar among genotypic subgroups of HCM, with only 4% (1502 of 37,846) to 6% (2336 of 37,846) of the transcriptome exhibiting differential expression between genotypic subgroups. The qRT-PCR confirmed differential expression in 92% (11 of 12 genes) of tested transcripts. Notably, in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the transcript for angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a negative regulator of the angiotensin system, was the single most up-regulated gene in HCM (fold-change, 3.53; q-value =1.30×10−23), which was confirmed by qRT-PCR in triplicate (fold change, 3.78; P=5.22×10−4), and Western blot confirmed greater than 5-fold overexpression of ACE2 protein (fold change, 5.34; P=1.66×10−6).
More than 20% of the transcriptome is expressed differentially between HCM and control tissues. Importantly, ACE2 was the most up-regulated gene in HCM, indicating perhaps the heart’s compensatory effort to mount an antihypertrophic, antifibrotic response. However, given that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) uses ACE2 for viral entry, this 5-fold increase in ACE2 protein may confer increased risk for COVID-19 manifestations and outcomes in patients with increased ACE2 transcript expression and protein levels in the heart.
Karli Bonne'
The Twitter personality that Q mentioned
Once tried to start a career as a Christian singer
I Got The Spirit In Me
When you realize that Trump cannot save America
Because the USA is a Constitutional Republic
Ruled by the people.
Only the people can save their country
By rising up in protest
And demanding that the infiltrators CEASE AND DESIST!
When We The People show our overwhelming number
And ourUNITY AND LOVEfor the nation
Only then will the left experience the Great Awakening
And come join us.
Because they never wanted to be slaves either
They were just bamboozled by the boogaloo artists
Of the Globalist Cabal!!!
When Trump appointed a new Postmaster General in June
Who was loyal to the President's MAGA program
He also got control of anotherFederal Police Force
One that has special powers internationally
Due to the United Nations
Under the umbrella of the Universal Postal Union
The USPS Inspection Service
Has offices in many countries
And a special role in fighting crime that foreign postal services.
In addition, there are companies that bypass the post office
By transporting mail to the USA privately
And then mailing it inside the USA
They save a bit of money, but now they are aiding and abetting crimes by mail.
Imagine what investigations they might be doing in foreign lands
That would be collecting evidence
That can be used for indictments in the USA.
Why aggravating?
Trump just grabbed control of one of their weapons
And is turning it back against them