“On April 26, 1933, a decree was issued creating the Secret Police Office (Geheime Polizei Amt) which quickly became known as the GPA.”
Today we call them “Karen’s”.
“On April 26, 1933, a decree was issued creating the Secret Police Office (Geheime Polizei Amt) which quickly became known as the GPA.”
Today we call them “Karen’s”.
“Next, Göring purged the Berlin police department of politically unreliable cops and had 50,000 storm troopers sworn in as special police auxiliaries (Hilfspolizei). Now the storm troopers had actual power of arrest and they relished its use. Jails were soon overflowing with people taken into "protective custody" resulting in the need for large outside prison camps, the birth of the concentration camp system.”
So the concentration camps were built for political prisoners.
Today we call them people who refuse the mask or “Patriot”.
The phone always decides these things. Who are we to judge, Karen?
Karen’s Karen’s Karen’s.